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我用了一柄长柄汤杓。I use a soup ladle.

锅子和杓子是一起的。Pot and ladle go together.

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他玩著一个杓子。And he played upon a ladle.

看着长柄勺被吞进水罐。To see the pot swallow the ladle.

甲板上拴著一个木长柄杓。There was a wood ladle chained to the deck.

你能从这个深底锅里舀点汤给我吗?Can you ladle the soup out of this deep pan for me?

当准备好享用的时候,用长柄勺将酒倒入玻璃杯即可。When ready to serve, ladle the wine into the glasses.

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用长勺将搅拌好的果冻浆盛到玻璃碗中。Generously ladle the jelly syrups into separate glass bowls.

马勺采用树材,制作简便,历代农家乡民必备。Ladle with wood, simple production, the peasant villagers must.

用漏勺将它们捞出和少许黄油拌匀。Remove them with a slotted ladle and toss with a little butter.

适用于钢包包底、包壁、渣线等部件。They are fit for such parts as ladle bottom, wall and slag line.

将面条盛到盘中后,舀些调味酱浇上去。After putting the spaghetti on a plate, ladle some sauce over it.

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将汤舀到汤碗里,每个碗里一个鸡蛋。Ladle the soup into wide soup bowls, with an egg for each portion.

快速颠倒钢水包从包里倒出熔渣。Quick reverse tilt the ladle to remove slag from the pouring spout.

乌冬放入4个碗中,再淋上豆浆汤,即可享用。Put noodles in 4 bowls. Ladle soy bean soup over the noodles. Serve.

生产的不烧砖在平炉钢包渣线上使用,取得了较好效果。The brick gained favorable application result in the ladle slag line.

用焦油白云石做包衬,在德国及欧洲其它国家很普及。The ladle lining with tar dolomite is common in German and in Europe.

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我想买个木制的饭勺,盛饭时不会划伤电饭锅。I want to buy a wooden ladle which will not scratch an electric cooker.

并且是古银器,连那大勺至少可以卖二百法郎。old silver.-- From the ladle one could get at least two hundred francs.

尽不知思念无味浪迹天涯独取一瓢思念黄河水。Do not miss tasteless roaming alone took a gourd ladle thoughts of water.