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麦肯批评说对“区域”一词的含义缺少解释。McKen criticises the lack of explication of what the term "areas" means.

它批评主要承包商在其最初估价中犯了严重的错误。It criticises the main contractor for seriously erring in its original estimates.

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本文考证了这一观念的历史的存在及其形成的原因与发展过程。The author criticises textually the historical existence and the cause of the idea.

它还批评“买一送一”加剧了消费者的浪费倾向。And it criticises "buy one, get one free" promotions for their tendency to lead to waste.

在文章的第一部分,清华大学教授秦晖批评中国官方的僵化回应。In the first instalment of a three-part article, historian Qin Hui criticises Beijing's response.

该报道还批评玩具产业监督部门没有对这些侵犯工人权利的行为进行取缔。The report also criticises the industry's own regulator for failing to clamp down on rights abuses.

马克米廉重点抨击了哥森治疗法,这种治疗法宣扬清洁体内和加快新陈代谢。Macmillan particularly criticises the Gerson therapy, which claims to cleanse the body and boost metabolism.

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但DGE的报告曝光了美高梅为进入澳门市场进行的各种运作,严厉批评了该公司的尽职调查程序。But the DGE's report lays bare the company's efforts to enter Macao and harshly criticises its due diligence procedures.

林美的抽屉柜不仅推翻了文雅但肤浅的设计,还对全世界的无节制消费进行了批判。Remy's chest of drawers not only turns its back on superficial, elegant design, but also criticises both the excess and the consumer mania that pervades the world.

内维尔也批评了足总对教练的选择,特别是他非常质疑1996-1999年在位的霍德尔。Neville also criticises the Football Association over its managerial appointments and highlights some controversial methods utilised by Hoddle between 1996 and 1999.

报告中的一章批评了富国威胁穷国如果不签署协议就中止应对气候变化的资助的行为。In one section the report criticises threats by richer countries to withdraw funds to help poorer nations cope with climate change if they failed to sign up to the accord.

那些议员的报告更批评顺势疗法疗剂的标籖,未能使病人知道顺势疗法的疗剂只是糖制,没有有效的成份。The MPs' report also criticises the labelling on homeopathic products, which it says fails to inform the public that homeopathic products are "sugar pills containing no active ingredients".

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他还批评了反对党总部的“青年研究人员们”的工作,并质疑卡梅伦的“后官僚时代“的主张是否会加深公众对国家的不信任。He also criticises the work of “young researchers” in Conservative headquarters and queries whether Mr Cameron’s notion of the “post-bureaucratic age” may further damage public trust in the state.