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你认为尊妮达怎样失去受保护权呢?。How did Juanita lose her Right to Protection?

那天下午,朱恩妮塔跑来串门,给卡罗尔解闷。That afternoon Juanita dropped in to brighten Carol.

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你觉得尊妮达和她的孩子最需要的是什麽呢?。What do you think Juanita and her child need the most?

办理出生登记后,你认为尊妮达和她的孩子会有什麽改变呢?。What changes will happen to Juanita and her child after they are registered?

胡安妮塔补充说,她妈妈莉娜·鲁兹也常常帮助批评政府的人。Juanita added that her mother, Lina Ruz, also often helped government critics.

在胡安妮塔的记忆中,爬山就如同呼吸一样简单而自然。For almost as long as Juanita could remember, climbing the hill seemed as easy as breathing, and as natural.

胡安妮塔告诉记者,1964年6月18日,就是离开古巴前往墨西哥的前一天,她和劳尔单独进行了最后一次谈话。Juanita last spoke to Raúl in person on 18 June 1964, the day before she left for Mexico, she told the report.

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在胡安尼塔的记忆中,加减乘除对自己说来早就是如同呼吸一样不费气力的自然本能了。Juanita could remember, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing seemed as easy as breathing, and as natural.

在胡安尼塔的记忆中,加减乘除对自己说来早就是如同呼呢一样不费气力的自然本能了。Juanita could remember, adding, substracting, multiplying, and dividing seemed as easy as breathing, and as natural.

现在居住在迈阿密的华妮塔·卡斯特罗说,她曾为美国情报机构搜集敏感信息长达三年之久。Juanita Castro, who now lives in Miami, says for three years she gathered sensitive information for the American intelligence agency.

在胡安妮塔的记忆中,加减乘除对自己来说早就是如同呼吸一样简单而自然了。For almost as long as Juanita could remember, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing seemed as easy as breathing, and as natural.

在胡安尼塔的记忆中,加减乘除对自己说来早就是如同呼呢一样不费气力的自然本能了。For almost as long as Juanita could remember, adding, substracting, multiplying, and dividing seemed as easy as breathing, and as natural.

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她表示,曾在哈瓦那的家中庇护和救助过被卡斯特罗政府打击的人。Juanita Castro said that from her house in Havana, she had worked to shelter and help those who were being persecuted by Fidel Castro's government.

一个瘦小的人影站在美利坚第一商业银行和罗塞利广场高耸入云的幢幢建筑物前胡安尼塔努理兹还在等公共汽车。Juanita nunez-a tiny figure against the soaring city block complex of first mercantile american bank and rosselli plaza was still waiting for her bus.

胡安妮塔·乔丹曾于2002年1月提出离婚诉讼,但一个月后又撤回了诉状,并表示她和乔丹正在尝试调解。Juanita Jordan previously filed for divorce in January 2002, but withdrew her petition a month later when the couple announced they were attempting a reconciliation.