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我在这里赢得了一次冠军赛。I won a championship here.

中国女子排球队在哪届奥运会上获得冠军?Team win the championship?

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我们有能力获得冠军。We could win the championship.

他把他们看作是冠军路上的同行者。He sees them as championship peers.

邓亚萍在多次乒乓球赛中取得冠军。He went on to take the championship.

但在球场上,我还想要一个冠军。On the field, I want a championship.

这些年里的最强冠军,卧槽!Best Championship in years. Holy fuck.

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玥、翠在舞蹈比赛得冠军。In the dance game he, cui championship.

真正的冠军战在外面!The real championship is going on outside.

就像何时山猫队能夺取了总冠军一样。As in, when the Bobcats win a championship.

她获得冠军,一举成名。He gloried in his winning the championship.

这是热火队的第一个NBA总冠军。It was the Miami Heat's first championship.

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很欢迎来到保罗飞镖对抗赛。Welcome to Paul Hageman Darts Championship.

他们是混合双打的冠军。They are a Championship of the mixed doubles.

西班牙足球队获得了冠军。The Spainish soccer team took the championship.

你有得冠军的可能吗?What's your chance of winning the championship?

现在你在为冠军而战。Now you are in the running for the championship.

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谁得了全国混合双打的冠军?Who won the National Mixed Doubles Championship?

我参加了2009国际航联F3C世界锦标赛。I competed in the 2009 FAI F3C world championship.

最近一次夺冠是世界少年锦标赛18岁以下组冠军。One of the latest was World Championship under-18.