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请给我一本观光手册。Please give me a sightseer's pamphlet.

我印行这小册子又是一件错误。My printing this pamphlet was another erratum.

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我印这本小册子又是一个错误。My printing this pamphlet was another erratum.

于是我捡起了那本册子,仔细读过。So I picked up the pamphlet and read it through.

迪克发现纳迪亚在厨房读一本小册子。Dick finds Nadia in the kitchen reading a pamphlet

我们必须在下星期前把这本小册子发出去。We'll have to get this pamphlet out before next week.

如果您留下地址的话,我们将寄一份本店的小册子给您。Or you can receive a pamphlet if you tell your adders.

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他那本出色的小册子,可以在这里免费下载。His excellent pamphlet can be downloaded for free, here.

与此同时,克鲁利从桌上拿起了一本小宣传册。Meanwhile Crowley had picked up a pamphlet from the desk.

这些材料已被汇编成便于使用的小册子。These materials have been digested into a handy pamphlet.

每周的崇拜周刋是在教会周报网页。The Program" page would have the weekly worship pamphlet."

他说我在小册子中歪曲了他的观点。He says that I have misrepresented his views in my pamphlet.

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你不必看什么小册子,解释你在看的是什么。You don't have to read a pamphlet explaining what you're seeing.

小册子建议,我们应该提前一站下汽车或者地铁。The pamphlet suggests getting off the bus or train one stop early.

要知道这些接头的详细图纸可以参考CGA手册V-1。For detailed drawings of these connections consult CGA Pamphlet V-1.

这本小册子对著名的佛蒙特人进行了简要描述。The pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters.

不过,也有少数人四下看看,将小册子装进口袋。A few, however, look both ways and stuff a pamphlet in their pockets.

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瘦人斜靠在乾净的豆科植物上读叶片传单。The lean man leans on the wash bean plant to read a foliage pamphlet.

最后,对方心悦诚服地留下了王长锁发放的小册子。Finally, the other willingly left a pamphlet issued by Wang Chang-lock.

瘦人斜靠在乾净的豆科植物上读叶片传单。The lean man leans on the neat bean plant to peruse a foliage pamphlet.