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加点响声。Add some noise.

什么声音?What'sthat noise?

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那闹声把我吵醒了。The noise woke me up.

我们的一切只是噪音。All about us is noise.

厚墙隔绝嘈杂声。Thick walls deaden noise.

莫奇,不要制造噪音!Don't make a lot of noise.

那吵声真叫我心烦。That noise really bugs me.

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我用枕头闷住我的声音。I made noise into a pillow.

我对所有这些吵闹声很反感。I object to all this noise.

噪音烦死人了.The noise is very annoying.

没有噪音,或者怪声。There is no noise or knock.

楼下有吵杂声。There's a noise downstairs.

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城市人听惯了噪音。City folk are used to noise.

我被一阵响亮的吵闹声弄醒了。I was woken by a loud noise.

她被响声弄醒了。She was awoken by the noise.

那噪音刺激我的神经。The noise jangled my nerves.

吵闹声吵醒了一只牡蛎。A noise noising annoys oster.

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你要是关上那扇门,就听不到吵闹声了。He was confused by the noise.

它发出了火车般的轰隆声。It made a noise like a train.

那么什么是白噪点呢?So, what is this white noise?