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裁军谈判在维也纳开始。Disarmament Talks Begin in Viena.

代表们在辩论裁军问题。The representatives are debating about disarmament.

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全部裁减军备条款是和平协议的必要条件。Total disarmament was stipulated in the peace treaty.

裁军会议将于下月再次召开。The disarmament conference will be reconvened next month.

裁军谈判的最新情况怎么样?What is the latest state of play in the disarmament talks?

核裁军与核不扩散相辅相成。Nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation are mutually dependent.

徐光宇现在在中国军备控制与裁军协会。Xu is now part of China Arms Control and Disarmament Association.

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但之后不久,“援助换裁军”的六方会谈正式开始。But not long afterwards, six-party aid for disarmament talks began.

我很高兴到裁军谈判会议讲话。It gives me great pleasure to address the Conference on Disarmament.

它激怒了俄罗斯,导致发出威胁要中止裁军谈判。It enraged Russia, leading it to threaten to scupper disarmament talks.

谢尔久科夫承诺将避免裁军可能带来的慌乱。Alexander Serdiuk commitment to disarmament to avoid possible confusion.

瑞琪是裁减军备及国际安全委员会的代表。Kristy represented the disarmament and international security committee.

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在裁军会谈中我们最不喜欢的是好战的将军。The lasting we want it a trigger-happy general at the disarmament talks.

裁军与防扩散的关系仍然极其重要。The relationship between disarmament and nonproliferation remains crucial.

外交上的危机将为任何裁军希望敲响丧钟。A diplomatic crisis would sound the death knell of any hopes of disarmament.

在这场新型军备竞赛中,根本就没有裁军或者遏制力的路线图。And in this new arms race, there is no road map for disarmament or deterrence.

如果每个方案都包含解除武装的条款,双方都知道他们可能受到侵犯。If each contains disarmament clauses, each is aware that they may be infringed.

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我们派遣了数以百计的武器核查人员来监督伊拉克解除武装。We have sent hundreds of weapons inspectors to oversee the disarmament of Iraq.

举例来说,我们说说不扩散核武器条约,为什么没人谈裁军?For example, let’s talk about the N.P.T. Why is there no talk about disarmament?

核裁军和核不扩散是本次会议的一大议题。Nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation is a major of the meeting agenda.