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耶和华说,他们岂是惹我发怒呢。Do they provoke me to anger?

相反,他应该挑衅让日本人先进攻。Instead, he sought to provoke a Japanese attack.

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正好被阿帕查撞见,惹起一场轩然大波。Just be the check caught, to provoke up a storm.

人们阅读我的书籍的时候,我激起了一些事情。When people read my books I provoke some things.

强迫下马不会引起机会攻击。Forced dismounts do not provoke opportunity attacks.

迅速的变化将会刺激抗衡行动。Rapid changes will provoke counterbalancing actions.

所以,拥有了爱,就请别再沾惹暧昧!So, have love, please don't provoke ambiguous touch!

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不要挑逗动物,它会咬你的。Don't provoke the animal by teasing. It may bite you.

此举惹来张妈妈的强烈不满。The move to provoke a mothers strong dissatisfaction.

白秀笑声如铃,“没有招惹?Didn't "white show the mirth is like alarm, " provoke?

为了促使萨卡什维利先生卷入战争,俄无所不用其极。It did its utmost to provoke Mr Saakashvili into a fight.

当然过度反应恰恰就是恐怖分子希望看到的。Of course overreaction is what terrorists hope to provoke.

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顺手招来一辆出租车往伊尚画室驶去。Smoothly to provoke a taxi fled the studio is still in Iraq.

反对派的策略之一就是要激怒我们。Grandhi does not wish to provoke them any more than necessary.

他们试图挑起印度和巴基斯坦两国的冲突。They are trying to provoke conflict between India and Pakistan.

疫苗可能引发低烧和其它不适的症状。Vaccines may provoke a low fever and other unpleasant symptoms.

这只是无休无止的争辩中的几个问题。These are just a few of the questions that provoke endless debate.

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大街上,玫瑰惹起了凌桀对红果的回想。On the street, and rose up to provoke bullying jie look red fruits.

触觉和听觉的刺激可诱发惊厥和角弓反张。Tactile and auditory stimuli provoke convulsions with opisthotonos.

最后,马多夫讹诈案阴霾未散,恐惧的气氛依然存在。And finally, the Madoff scandal continues to provoke extreme horror.