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校方不应以财政紧绌为理由,解雇员工。The University should not lay off its employees on the ground of financial stringency.

也就是说,评级员的相对严格或宽松,对某一特定案例是不等价的。That is, the relative stringency , or leniency, of raters for a particular case is not equivalent.

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布伦塔诺主张哲学应该像自然科学一样具有“严格性”和“精确性”。Brentano advocates that philosophy, just like natural sciences, should possess stringency and accuracy.

央行的银根紧缩政策使房地产开发企业面临着资金链断裂的危险。The stringency policy of Central Bank put more Chinese real estate companies in danger of capital lack.

但是国会两院都抱怨五角大楼受到了特别优待。But politicians on both sides of the congressional aisle have complained about the Pentagon escaping this stringency.

2004年宏观调控下对地产业的银根紧缩使融资创新成为必然趋势。The stringency towards real estate industry under macro-control in 2004 made financing innovation to be an inevitable tendency.

眼神冷酷,衣装高贵,他们凝视着贵国的账目,要求使人厌烦的结构改革和可怕的财政紧缩。Cold-eyed, sharp-suited men pored over your country's books, demanding painful structural reforms and bone-chilling fiscal stringency.

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眼神冷酷,衣装高贵,他们凝视着贵国的账目,要求使人厌烦的结构改革和可怕的财政紧缩。Cold-eyed, sharp-suited men pored over your country's books, demanding painful structural reforms and bone-chilling fiscal stringency.

当然,比起FBI解决犯罪问题的标准来,要把这些已经失散了3300年之久的家庭成员重新聚合到一起还是显得颇为轻松。Reuniting the members of a family separated 3, 300 years ago requires a little less stringency than the standards needed to solve a crime.

传统海上保险保证被喻为保险人手中的“王牌”,其特点主要是履行要求的严格性和违反后果的严厉性。The characteristics of the traditional warranties which are regarded as the "trump card" of the insurer are the stringency of performance and rigidity of breach of warranties.

他们认为,放松筛选严格性是一种母体的选择性反应,这可以解释唐氏综合症发病率随母亲年龄增长而升高的原因。They believe that this relaxed filtering stringency is an adaptive maternal response and it might explain why the rate of Down Syndrome accelerates with increasing maternal age.

严格地讲,新人的目光应该始终直视前方,尽量将视线放于10米前,这样有利于拍照。The stringency earth speaks that the vision of New appointee should always orthoptic front, as far as possible put line of sight in 10 before the meters, Be like this advantageous to taking photo.