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关于棚户区改造项目。Regarding shantytown reconstruction projects.

达拉维就像是一个肮脏的、蔓延的棚户区。Dharavi appears like a filthy, sprawling shantytown.

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但是,对于达拉维的批评者来说,该棚户区就是城市的一个眼中钉。But, for Dharavi's detractors, the shantytown is an eyesore on an aspiring city.

你到底在棚户区这个糟糕的地方干什么,你是个体面的黑人呀?What on earth are you doing in a nasty place like shantytown you a respectable darky?

贫民窟的环境既脏暗又不卫生,是罪恶孳生的温床。The dingy and insanitary environment in the shantytown is a breeding ground for crime.

但是他今晚率众攻击今天下午肯尼迪夫人惹上麻烦的那个贫民区。But he a raid tonight on that shantytown where Mrs. Kennedy got into trouble this afternoon.

但是他今晚率众攻击今天下午肯尼迪夫人惹上麻烦的那个贫民区。But he led a raid tonight on that shantytown where Mrs. Kennedy got into trouble this afternoon.

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2002年,利马附近的一座古墓共出土了数千具印加木乃伊。Thousands of Inca mummies were found at an ancient cemetery under a shantytown near Lima in 2002.

他们是来自邻近棚户区五至十二岁的小孩,棚户区是工人阶层的聚居地。They are five to twelve-year-old children from the neighboring shantytown — home to the working class.

2009年3月11日,辽宁省沈阳的一个棚户区,一个人沿着铁路遛狗。A man takes a walk with his dog along a railway at a shantytown on March 11, 2009, in Shenyang of Liaoning Province.

思嘉来到棚户区前面的大路拐弯的地方,这时太阳已经完全下去了,附近的树林黑黝黝的,阴森森的。The sun had completely gone when she reached the bend in the road above Shantytown and the woods about her were dark.

在太阳之路棚户区内,32岁的纳塔丽阿·胡曼纳胡依和儿子在一起,儿子正在打开一台使用汽车电池供电的电视。At left, Natalia Huamanñaqui, 32, with her son, who turned on a television using a car battery in the Ruta de Sol shantytown.

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鉴于目前我市已基本完成棚户区改造拆迁任务,因此,我市从今年起停止执行棚户区改造优惠政策。In view of the fact that shantytown in our city has been removed, the preferential policies for them are terminated from this year on.

几天后,她在一个棚户区内一个私人家庭里找到了一小片空间,开始教不同年龄的一些儿童读书。Within a few days, she found a small space in a private home in a shantytown and began teaching a small group of children of different ages.

埃及官方说在首都开罗外的一个拥挤的贫民地区发生的泥石流中,有31人死亡46人受伤。Egyptian authority say 31 people have been killed and 46 others injured in a rockslide that strugglestruck a crowded shantytown outside the capital Cairo.

秘鲁利玛市贫民窟出土了几千具古代印加木乃伊,有些木乃伊被包裹在一起,其中还发现了陪葬品。Thousands of ancient Inca mummies, some bundled together in small groups with their possessions, have been discovered beneath a shantytown near Lima, Peru.

2002年,Topitop是为数不多的几个愿意冒险在MegaPlaza租赁商铺的零售商之一,MegaPlaza建在利马北部一个贫民区附近。Back in 2002, Topitop was one of the few retailers willing to risk renting space in MegaPlaza, which was being built near a shantytown on the north of town.

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随着城市化的发展,棚户区的存在严重阻碍了城市化的进程,对城市发展造成不利影响。Along with the urbanized development, the shantytown existence has seriously hindered the urbanized advancement, and has adverse effects to the urban development.

在里约热内卢棚户区由一个非营利性组织创办的一所学校里,一名巴西少年正在联网的计算机上练习学习机能。Brazilian youngster practices his learning skills on a computer hooked up to the internet, at a school run by a non-profit organization set up in a shantytown in Rio de Janeiro.

本文在对济南市棚户区现状调查的基础上,分析了棚户区存在的问题及对城市发展的影响,并且提出了改造建议。In this paper, the author has carried out the analysis of the present situation, and proposed the concrete transformation measures on the basis of shantytown investigation in Jinan.