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产生一种良好的双向的问题讨论Engender a good two-way discussion of issues

他能够让你更快的找到爱情或者加深感情。It can help you find love or engender more love.

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薪资差距一旦公之于众,可发怨恨、妒忌和不满。Pay differentials, when , can engender resentment, envy and dissatisfaction among workers.

在定向井及丛式井的转盘钻进中,旋转钻柱会产生方位漂移。The rotary drill stem will engender direction drift in rotary drilling of directional well and cluster well.

有一种想法是这样的,既然许多植物毒素都是辣的,辣味刺激会引发争斗或逃跑反应。The thought was that since many plant poisons are bitter, the bitter stimuli would engender a fight or flight response.

由于教学内容、手段方法的不同,必然产生形形色色的心理障碍。Varieties of psychological hindrances engender physical education due to its differences in event content and teaching method.

天气不好的时候,没有向导带路而独自漫游到谷内幽深之处的人,容易对蜿蜒其间的狭窄的泥泞小道产生不满情绪。An unguided ramble into its recesses in bad weather is apt to engender dissatisfaction with its narrow, tortuous, and miry ways.

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这使得银行收紧资产负债表的紧迫性消失,银行对借贷的态度将更趋向于逃避风险。This should diminish the urgency for banks to shrink balance sheets and should engender a less risk-adverse attitude to lending.

一个政策如此,能够使员工产生认同感,并且研究表明,这会走向更伟大的创新。A policy like that tends to engender a sense of acceptance, and the research literature suggests this leads to greater innovation.

她有敏捷的思维和扎实的专业基础,两者结合形成了她独特的法律思维和认识体系。She has got an agile thinking and solid professional foundation, which engender her distinctive legal thinking and architectonics.

本文分析了浮头换热器固定管板产生较大变形破坏的原因和防止措施。Analysis the cramping pipe plates of Floating head heat exchanger engender bigger deformations break and their preventing mentions.

种种大规模的全球性外部失衡和它们所造成的同等规模的资金流动量,构成市场不稳定的另一个潜在来源。The large global external imbalances and the equally sizable flows they engender pose another potential source of market instability.

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你可以通过这些工具,以更加开放的姿态面对用户,让用户成为品牌的拥护者并建立品牌忠诚。You can leverage users to become brand advocates and engender brand loyalty through engagement and an open, customer-facing approach.

在这种情况下,政府必须尽其所能在它的国家选民和公共机构之间创造和产生信任。In such circumstances, governments must do all they can to create and engender trust among its nation’s constituents and institutions.

作为替代方案,促进鲜明的民族主义,同时采取“分而治之”方案,可能会造成民族分裂主义或民族间的冲突。Alternately, promoting distinct nationalities, while allowing for a "divide-and-rule" program, may engender ethnic separatism or interethnic conflict.

官僚似乎走出一条自己的生命,并可能产生太大的挫折时,试图谈判的繁文缛节和糖蜜的外部同行评审有助于。Bureaucracies seem to take on a life of their own and may engender much frustration when trying to negotiate the boondoggles of red tape and molasses.

许多人把这种误解归结于这是场有政治动机的信息误导战,目的是为了获得在伊拉克采取军事行动的支持。Many people have attributed such misconceptions to a politically motivated disinformation campaign to engender support for the armed struggle in Iraq.

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事实上,还存在着这样一类雇佣者,他们更青睐于缺乏经验的求职者,因为这类求职者显然还未沾染上业内的某些坏习惯及陈腐思想。Some employers actually prefer people who, lacking industry experience, are also free of the bad habits and stale thinking that experience can engender.

我的“促使-自我-改变”计划是要设法使那些特质在我身上尽可能多、尽可能深远地形成,没有约束没有保留。My Let-Self-Change project is to try to engender in myself as many of these quality as possible, as deeply as possible, without constraint or reservation.

“一报还一报”是往复型策略,它以合作回报合作,以背叛回报背叛,往往产生一轮轮合作的周期。The Tit-For-Tat strategy prescribed reciprocating cooperation for cooperation, and defection for defection, and tended to engender periods of cooperation.