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忽视公义,就是贬低恩典。To ignore justice is to cheapen grace.

目前我们只好使商品削价。We have to cheapen commodities at the moment.

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在任何情况下我们都不能降低产品质量。In no case can we cheapen the quality of products.

难道金融危机的寒潮只会通过贬低艺术品位的方式来管理艺术市场吗?Could the cold wind of financial crisis be driving the art market to cheapen its style?

有许多愚蠢的人,只是因为他们不懂得某种东西,就贬低它的价值。Many foolish people cheapen something just because they don't understand the value of it.

如果随意地对待,那么同性婚姻的倡导者所追求的理想制度就不值钱了。Approaching this casually could cheapen the very institution same-sex advocates appear to idolise.

在市况极具追涨和杀跌价值时,非凡有用。Provide extremely in market chase after go up and kill cheapen when the value, particularly useful.

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也别试图通过当一个诡辩者贬低中国的奖牌数量,这使我们看起来弱小又惊恐!Don't try and cheapen China's numbers by being an apologist either, it make us look weak and scared!

但在名单中加入一连串名字并不会使其他早已在列的行星贬值,他补充说。But adding a bunch of names to the list wouldn't cheapen the ones that had been there forever, he added.

互动学习决不能是花时间让人分享个人对圣经的观点而贬低圣经真理。Interactive learning must not cheapen biblical truths by spending time on personal opinions about the Bible.

她的双颊和嘴唇颜色鲜丽,再用化妆品就会显得俗气刺眼。There is such rich color in her cheeks and lips that make-up would be glaring and would cheapen her appearance.

哎,我讨厌用狗一般的姿态保护玛贝尔,这简直就是在贬低她的存在,助长这个城市讨伐猫咪的声音。Alas, I am loath to cheapen her existence and dignify the city’s anti-cat stance by creating a dog-like defense for her.

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分析师称,交易商通常在新债标售前压低公债价格,但上周的公债价格跌势有些过度.Traders usually sell bonds to cheapen up the market before Treasury auctions but a selloff last week went too far, analysts say.

北京的政策是贬低其货币,通过依赖其他国家的需求,让出口推动经济增长,同时又放缓其国内需求的增长。Beijing has a policy to cheapen its currency to grow through exports, on the back of other countries’ demand, while slowing its own domestic demand.

当主教说离婚是反对菲律宾的行为,为离婚立法就是对婚姻制度的贬低的时候,人们就把主教的话奉为圣旨。And when the bishops say that divorce is anti-Filipino, and to legalise it would be to cheapen the institution of marriage, people take that message seriously.

交易商将可能试图压低10年期和30年期公债的价格,这两种公债的收益率已从5月触及的高位回落了约40个基点.Traders will likely attempt to cheapen the 10-year and 30-year Treasuries, whose yields have fallen about 40 basis points from the high yields cleared back in May.

因为它是我的秘密,说出来就贬低了自己及故事本身,显得更渺小,更平淡,还不如野营辅导员在熄灯前给孩子们讲的鬼故事。I've always felt that telling it would cheapen both me and the story itself, make it smaller and more mundane, no more than a camp counselor's ghost story told before lights-out.

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在本周稍后的10年期和30年期公债标售前,投资人压低较长期公债价格,令长债跌幅较大.Losses were more pronounced on the longer end of the Treasury curve as investors moved to cheapen securities ahead of the auctions of 10-year notes and 30-year bonds later this week.

投资者通常在此类标售前压低公债价格,且许多投资者担忧对庞大美国公债的需求最终可能消退.Investors often move to cheapen Treasuries prices ahead of such auctions, and many are worried that the appetite for the large doses of new U.S. government debt could eventually wane.