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不过它的运行轨道与其恒星之间的距离要比木星与其恒星之间的距离近100倍。But its zippy orbit is a hundred times closer to its star than Jupiter’s is.

鲜亮的荧光色以及棱角分明的外形能为你的日常装扮添上一抹活泼的色彩。Its fluorescent color and structured shape will give your daytime look a zippy finish.

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睡觉前我决定运行碎片整理,这样在第二天就能得到一个有活力的Windows。Before going to bed, I decided to run defrag so that I will find my windows zippy the next day.

它对智能车的外型,经济,驾驶“敏捷”和几乎能在任何地方停车而大为赞赏。It praised the Smart for its styling, economy, " zippy " handling and ability to park almost anywhere.

很多时候,他们只是告诉我们我们已经知道的事,只不过巧妙地用有表现力的幻灯片表现出来而已。Mostly, they have told us what we already know, but presented it ingeniously on zippy Powerpoint slides.

什么比你不再在长发上裹着一条真丝围巾踏进飒爽的敞篷车更酷呢?What is cooler than stopping to wrap a silk scarf around your mane before you step into a zippy convertible?

例如,英国部分地区担心新的高速铁路会衍生出一批二线城市,只能经由更少班次的、更慢的火车来到达。Parts of Britain, for example, fear that a new zippy railway will create a second tier of cities supplied by fewer and slower trains.

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这颗行星距离地球大概153光年,质量比木星稍轻,但是它轻快敏捷的轨道距离中心恒星却比木星的近100倍。The planet is about 153 light-years from Earth, and weighs a bit less than Jupiter. But its zippy orbit is a hundred times closer to its star than Jupiter’s is.

加速时没有半点的粗糙感,因为,引擎及波箱的天衣无蓬的配搭,所以,它的反应敏锐,是城中少有的佳作。No harsh feeling about sudden acceleration or anything. It has a good engine power to body weight ratio, thus making it a zippy and fun car for driving enjoyment.

正如巨富与赤贫共存于孟买,丹尼·博伊尔的这部快节奏电影,融入了对比鲜明的贫民窟传奇、爱情故事、社会记录和宝莱坞歌舞这些元素。As gaudy wealth and abasingpoverty coexist in Mumbai, so Danny Boyle's zippy movie catches thecontradictions of slum drama, love story, social document and Bollywood musicalin its firm embrace.

这对搭档古怪又合乎理想,或至少导演汤姆·霍伯希望观众如此认为,因为背景从一曲活泼声乐到另一曲,时不时的停顿让观众挤出几滴眼泪来。It’s an ideal odd coupling, or at least that’s what the director Tom Hooper would have us believe as he jumps from one zippy voice lesson to the next, pausing every so often to wring a few tears.