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在计算中,采用贴体坐标的办法处理整个流动区域。BFC is adapted to dispose the computation domain.

BFC型号有悬臂行动车和吊动行动车,不需要叉车。BFC Models feature cantilevered hoist and trolley for loading without a forklift.

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贴有21分论坛,专门用于信息技术的各个领域。BFC has 21 separate forums, dedicated to the different areas of Information Technology.

它与设计师们并肩作战,帮助他们扩展业务,使其潜能得到充分发挥。The BFC works with designers to help them progress their businesses and reach their full potential.

创办于1983年的英国时尚协会是一家由业内赞助商出资的非赢利性有限公司。Created in 1983, the BFC is a non-profit making limited company and is financed by industry sponsors.

在水斗三维贴体坐标系中,还推导了流体粒子在水斗曲面上的运动控制方程。The governing equation of motion for fluid particles moving on bucket was deduced on BFC at the same time.

结果表明,该方法能够较好地控制物理区域边界附近网格的正交性。The results show that this method can control BFC grids to be orthogonal to the boundaries of the physical domain.

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为了在拦阻面内获得均匀且集中的弹丸散布,给出了弹丸散布中心的配置策略,提出了一种实用的拦阻面构造方法。Corresponding policy on the configuration of pills dispersion centers was provided to get an even and centralized BFC.

本文提出了一种可以同时实现控制网格正交性和控制边界网格间距的BFC网格生成的新方法。In this paper, a new method is pro posed to generate the BFC gird with the adjustable boundary mesh intervals and orthogonality.

根据PHOENICS软件的特点,数值模拟过程中采用贴体坐标,选取了适当的迭代步骤。According to the characteristic of the PHOENICS, a BFC has been selected , appropriately total number of iteration has been adopted.

本文指出,这仅是“推理”悖理,通过分析提出了解决方法,完成了次协调性的构造。This paper argues that it is inferential paradox. We advance the method of eliminating this kind of paradox through analysis and thus construct Paraconsistent Logic system, BFc.

湍流流场计算的合并使用两种流和三维模拟,这是实现雇用笛卡尔坐标,总部外协调局和减少细胞的方法。Turbulent flow field is computed for the merging of streams using two and three-dimensional simulations, which are achieved employing Cartesian coordinates, BFC and a cut cell method.

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作为实验研究的补充和扩展,在贴体坐标系下,用数值计算的方法,求解了流体流动与换热的微分方程组。As the supplement and extension of the experimental work, the numerical method was carried out in the BFC system, resulting in the solutions to N-S governing equations of fluid flow and heat transfer.