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峋山隐修会真的存在吗?Does the Priory of Sion really exist?

他还是位郇山隐修会的大师。And he was a Grand Master of the Priory of Sion.

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逐段多项式法是一种新的反演重力资料的方法。Sectioned polynomial is a new method for gravity data inver- sion.

求你使熙雍布满你的威严,使圣殿弥漫你的光荣。Fill Sion with thy unspeakable words, and thy people with thy glory.

那几年,我一直对露天的环境怀有一种文学上的热爱。A literary pas- sion for the open air was to last me for a few years.

于是全体军队集合,齐上熙雍山。And all the army assembled together, and they went up into mount Sion.

一个十八岁的人通常是不会老惦著养老金的!A pen sion is not usually one of the preoccupations of an eighteen year-old!

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我已祝圣我的君王,在熙雍我的圣山上。But I am appointed king by him over Sion his holy mountain, preaching his commandment.

面对生活的压力,他常常怀疑自己25年前的那个决定。Facing the pressures of life, he often doubts that deci sion made by him self 25 years ago.

设有自动供油润滑系统,减少磨损,延长使用寿命。It provided with automatic lubricating system to lessen abra sion and prolong service life.

结果表明,超滤技术可用于复方中药口服液精制。Conclu sion The new ultrafiltration equipment showed satisfactory results after years of trials.

因为这是上主复雠的日子,是为报复熙雍敌人的一年。For it is the day of the vengeance of the Lord, the year of recompenses of the judgment of Sion.

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如今在美国有着许多拥戴西翁品系的无数代言人。Today, there are those who claim to have representatives of the Sion strain especially in the U.

鸽子的基础源于和法国伟大的冠军保罗·西翁交换的雏鸟。The base of which arose from the exchanging of young birds with the great French champion Paul Sion.

结论恋童癖病因学研究远落后于评估。Conclu sion Etiological research on pedophilia has lagged behind the developments in assessment methods.

结论预防性放疗能提升中段食管癌术后患者的生存率,具有较高的研究价值。CONCLU- SION The preventive radiotherapy can improve survival after esophagectomy in middle, has high research value.

那地的主宰从旷野的磐石,应传达一言,至熙雍女儿的山岭!Send forth, O Lord, the lamb, the ruler of the earth, from Petra of the desert, to the mount of the daughter of Sion.

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同时,根据该份声明,,西昂俱乐部将于1月18日到26日在西班牙埃斯特波纳逗留以作为替代方案。Alternatively, the Sion club will be sojourning in Estepona, Spain between January 18 and 26, according to the statement.

电子文献传递是信息社会对文献资源共享的崭新模式。Electronic literature transmis sion service is a complete new mode of literature resources sharing in the inf or-mation era.

平乐古镇面临物质环境老化、城镇职能衰退、无形文化流失的问题,其复兴的重要手段是公共空间的整治与改造。Pingle ancient town confronts the problems of physical aging, urban functions reces- sion and the loss of intangible culture.