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他对这个病人采用了催眠术疗法。He performed hypnotism on this patient.

催眠术有一些什么样的作用呢?What are some of the uses of hypnotism?

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最明显的例子就是催眠术。The most striking example of this is hypnotism.

催眠术在圣迭戈的公共学校是被禁止的。Hypnotism is banned by public schools in San Diego.

有些催眠专家认为一切催眠都是自我催眠。Some hypnotism experts hold that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

作用魔术师使助理说谎在桌使用催眠状态。EffectThe magician gets an assistant to lie on the table using hypnotism.

她去看了一位用催眠术帮她克服恐惧感的精神科医生。She saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear.

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公会提供一个公开的论坛以供大众免费交换有关催眠学的想法。It provide an open forum for the free exchange of ideas concerning hypnotism.

就仿佛是催眠的过程打开了你头脑里的一个控制面板。It's as if the hypnotism process pops open a control panel inside your brain.

达尔茜还看过一位精神科医生,他使用催眠术帮她消除恐惧。Dulcy also saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear.

还有第四点,这与下文更多提到的催眠又有着怎样的联系?And, fourthly, what does all this have to do with hypnotism? On which, more later.

而社会模仿与我之前提到的催眠又有着怎样的联系呢?But what's this connection between social mimicry and hypnotism that I mentioned at the top?

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这个有类似催眠术、合气道方法、宗教性的方法或任何其他的方法任何的类似吗?Q. Is there any similarity to hypnotism , Kiai method, religious method or any other methods?

他试图用催眠疗法去治疗患有歇斯底里症和神经质的病人,但后来他却逐步地摒弃了这种疗法。He tried hypnotism with his hysteric and neurotic patients, but gradually discarded the practice.

精神分析对于治疗的最早检验和尝试是来源于催眠的。The first psycho-analytic examinations and attempts at treatment were made with the help of hypnotism.

精神病医师也许用催眠术来唤起那些记忆。一个相关的个人问题从而终于能得到解决。Psychiatrists may use hypnotism to bring up these memories so that a related personal problem can finally be resolved.

催眠师和催眠的拥护者们把这一古怪的心理状态看成是有广泛应用的有力工具。Hypnotists and hypnotism proponents see the peculiar mental state as a powerful tool with a wide range of applications.

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但若您认为自己需要更多帮助控制自己的烟瘾,很多成功的戒烟故事用到了催眠术。But if you think you need more help to control your cravings, there are lots of quitting success stories involving hypnotism.

在运动训练中推广催眠方法对提高运动效率、改善运动员身心状态是有效的。Hypnotism can be used as an effective means for raising training efficiency and improving players' physical and mental state.

利用一种催眠术,只要说出你想解决某个问题,就能起到让所有人都忘记这个问题的效果。To use a form of hypnotism in which merely saying you intend to fix a problem has the effect of making everyone forget about the problem.