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我是在顶风作战。I was against wind.

混战对抗米格!Dogfight against MiGs!

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别推我!Don't push against me!

他手气不佳。Luck goes against him.

他与罪恶作斗争。He warred against vice.

应该警惕什么?Vigilance against what?

以何物为抵押?Against what collateral?

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支持它和反对它。Argue for and against it.

我并不反对敏捷。I am not against Agility.

这和我们的方针相抵触。It is against our policy.

她碰撞了我一下。She bumped up against me.

中国队和巴西队打成平局。China drew against Brazil.

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他与绝望作斗争。He fought against despair.

他靠门站着。He stood against the door.

他们声明反对战争。They declared against war.

气得想把它砸向墙?Throw it against the wall?

你们全都反对我吗?All of you side against me?

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他据理反对这个计划。He argued against the plan.

他倚在那棵树上。He leaned against the tree.

她斜倚在门上。She leant against the door.