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她骑在马上,潇洒地随着马步的节奏上下起伏。She rode horseback posting elegantly.

圈点着我心中的淡雅。Punctuate my heart in of elegantly simple.

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他非常优雅而有热情地藐视了这一切。He wrote about these things elegantly and passionately.

学校舞会上的舞王和舞后在舞场上的舞姿非常优雅。The prom King and Queen move elegantly across the floor.

海德公园里,服饰华丽的骑手们站在罗敦小路中央。In Hyde Park, elegantly attired riders centered on Rotten Row.

洛维特的主要贡献就是说了一些措辞文雅的挖苦话。Lovett's main contribution lay in elegantly sarcastic phrases.

然后他给出了完美的回答,只用了很少的页数。And then he answered it elegantly in a very small number of pages.

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他拿起一朵花放在手上然后就优雅地跳舞。He picked up a piece of flowers in his hand and he danced elegantly.

他衣冠楚楚,穿着灰色西服、蓝色衬衫,系着一条佩斯利花纹领带。He was elegantly dressed in a grey suit, blue shirt and paisley tie.

所有的功能必须干净体面地融入语言之中。All features must be cleanly and elegantly integrated into the language.

唯一的不同就是滑冰运动员的姿势明显要优美很多。The only difference is that the skater does so decidedly more elegantly.

它的瓶子上非常优雅地雕刻了一片马鞭草叶。Elegantly presented in a glass spray bottled engraved with a verbena leaf.

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皇冠造型大陆架细单线,并用砂纸与优雅的弧形线。The crown molding shelf are finely routed and sanded with elegantly curved lines.

她个子很高,穿着优雅,挂断电话后指着这个房间的一个角落。Tall and elegantly dressed, she ends her call and points to the corner of the room.

在欧洲某处,东方快车在轨道上优雅的绵延前进。The Orient Express stretches elegantly along a length of track somewhere in Europe.

在权威字典中找一个怪异的词,并在下面的评论中优雅的使用它。Find a weird word in a reputable dictionary and use it elegantly in a comment below.

她举止端庄,谈吐优雅,气质高雅,内涵丰富。She behaves elegantly , talks culturedly, tempers decently, and connotes abundantly.

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他度过了他的包装魔术入典雅地被设计的,易使用的产品的生活。He spent his life packaging that magic into elegantly designed, easy to use products.

两者用很少几行代码优雅而高效地执行这一服务。Together, they perform this service elegantly and efficiently with few lines of code.

意大利肉肠雅称“莎乐美”,形似粗长滚圆的擀面杖。Italian Sausage elegantly called "Salami", the shape of long thick rounded rolling pin.