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船只在无踪的水里崩解。Ships are wrecked in the trackless water

介绍小型无轨设备在规模较小的753矿巷道掘进中的试验应用情况。The running of the small trackless equipments in 753 project are expounded.

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同时叙述了无轨设备的优点及其应用的局限性。The advantages and application limitations of trackless equipment are described.

介绍了小型无轨设备在采矿试验中的运行成本情况。The operation cost of small scale trackless equipment in a mining test is described.

介绍小型无轨设备在规模较小的753矿巷道掘进中的试验应用情况。The test running of the small trackless equipments in tunneling at 753 Mine is described.

因此利用无轨设备进行开采是采矿业发展的重要途径。Accordingly, using trackless equipment is an important approach to improve mining activities.

南下打工,似乎是求学无路招工无门的人的惟一出路。South to work, school trackless recruitment seems to be the only way people can go nowhere else.

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他们那虚构的世界,已为荒芜的沙丘和酷寒的皑崖这一奇异的真实境界所替代。Their fictional world has been replaced by a fantastic real one of trackless dunes and icy crags.

在无路可寻的沙漠上,一块指示牌上写着“去市区方向”,很快柏油路就出现了。“To the town, ” read a marker in the trackless sand, and all too soon, the asphalt road reappeared.

介绍了小型无轨设备在本溪铀矿的应用情况。The application of the small trackless equipments in Benxi uranium mine is introduced in this paper.

也一直走在地下无轨设备8大工业创新的最前沿。It has been at the forefront of eight leading industry innovations for underground trackless equipment.

人生没有目标意义,就像一艘无舵的船,迷失在无垠的大海里。A man without a purpose or goal is like a ship with-out a rudder, adrift on the foaming, trackless ocean.

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伟大的艺术家在那无路可寻的山峰上攀登,他登上山顶,迎风而立,你们猜他遇到了谁?。Up a trackless slope climbs the master artist, and at the top, on a windy ridge, whom do you think he meets?

伟大的艺术家在那无路可寻的山峰上攀登,他登上山顶,迎风而立,你们猜他遇到了谁?Up a trackless slope climbs the master artist, and at the top, on a windy ridge, whom do you think he meets?

文章对我国铀矿山如何更广泛地采用无轨采矿技术提出了看法和建议。The proposals how to widely adopt trackless mining technique for uranium ore deposits in China are presented.

暴风雨在广袤的天穹中怒吼,航船沉寂在无垠的大海里,死亡临近,孩子们却在玩耍。Tempest rooms in the pathless sky, ship are wrecked in the trackless water. death is abroad and children play.

狂风暴雨漂游在无辙的天空上,航船沉醉在无辙迹的海水里,死正在外面活动,孩子们却在游戏。Tempest roams in the pathless sky, ships are wrecked in the trackless water, death is aboard and children play.

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风雨漫天徜徉,沉船漫水搁置,沉滓泛起,孩子们玩耍。Tempest roams in the pathless sky, ships are wrecked in the trackless water, death is abroad and children play.

暴风雨在广袤的天穹中怒吼,航船沉寂在无垠的大海里,死亡临近,孩子们却在玩耍。Tempest roams in the pathless sky, ships are wrecked in the trackless water, death is abroad and children play.

风暴在无路的天空中飘游,船舶在无轨的海上破碎,死亡在猖狂,孩子们却在游戏。Tempest roams in the pathless sky, ships get wrecked in the trackless water, death is abroad and children play.