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恶徒攻击范围由6恢复至5。Hellion range reverted from 6 to 5.

坏人为什么脸上有疤?。Why does hellion have scar on the face?

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但这个女的从外表上就已经判定了他是个坏人。But this female judging him from appearance is a hellion.

豪厄尔渐渐掌握了和这个轮椅上的女魔头谈话的技巧。Suddenly Howell was getting the hang of talking to this hellion in a wheelchair.

我会对孩子说,这个世界上有坏人,但坏人很少。I can say to the child, there is bad person on this world, but hellion is very few.

我会很坚强,很耐心地活下去,看到那些坏人受到天谴吗?I will be very firm, subsist of very patient ground, see those hellion get day Qian?

这只地狱兽是火山中跳动的心脏,这是自然最血腥的冲击力。The Hellion is the beating heart of the volcano, the surging force of nature's bloody wrath.

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你最好的选择就是一大堆快速的恶狼喷火车加上一些维修的农民。Your best bet is a strong corps of the speedy Hellion flamethrower units plus some SCVs for repair.

如果有人用了你设计的牌而他的对手却没有跳起来去仔细看那张牌的话,那就说明,你的设计是有问题的。If someone casts your Hellion card and the opponent doesn't sit up and take notice, you're doing something wrong.

霍政谚饰演的角色,加入了内心斗争戏,展现出了这个“坏人”内心的矛盾挣扎。The part of Huo Zhengyan personate, added inner combat drama, show gave this " hellion " inner contradiction struggles.

人们不愿意提到那些粗野的小孩子,对那些小坏蛋和他们粗鲁的父母也不以为然。Mention ill-mannered children and most people roll their eyes at the memory of a little hellion and his boorish parents.

如果火口湖地狱兽并未吞噬任何生物,并且防御力也未获得任何加成,则此伤害会是致命伤害。This damage will be lethal if Caldera Hellion hasn't devoured any creatures and its toughness hasn't been increased by any other means.