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没有汽车压过马路的轰叫。No pressure to cross the roaring.

叫啸着的狂风把一棵大树都吹折了。The roaring wind damaged a big tree.

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远处响起隆隆的炮声。The cannon was roaring in the distance.

军官在对士兵们咆哮。The officer is roaring at the soldiers.

我听见狮子在笼中吼叫。I heard the lions roaring in their cages.

但是我的龙正在黑暗中怒吼。But my dragons are roaring in the darkness.

河水怒吼着冲向龙且的军队。The river came roaring toward Long Ju's army.

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这个项目肯定会得到告捷。The project is certain to be a roaring success.

他听到突如其来的一声吼叫,吓得魂不附体。He could hear a sudden roaring. His blood froze.

突然远处传来轰隆隆的马达声。Suddenly roaring motors sounded in the distance.

也携带有巨大的卵石,其声呼啸震耳。Big boulders are also carried with roaring sound.

只受伤的母老虎正在怒吼。The wounded tigress was now roaring double tides.

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枢纽和小明准备一新的咆哮冒险!Bub and Bob are ready for a new roaring adventure!

中空的海脊咆哮成一片大瀑布。And the hollow ocean- ridges roaring into cataracts.

我们的隆隆炮声使敌人胆战心惊。Our roaring guns left the enemy trembling with fear.

很快,他从阿斯兰的歌声中便只听见狮吼了。He soon did hear nothing but roaring in Aslan's song.

他的巴黎之行根柢不胜利。His visit to Paris was certainly not roaring success.

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我老是感到耳鸣和头晕眼花。I've kept getting a roaring in my ears and giddiness.

桐庐县委书记戚哮虎说。Tonglu roaring tiger county party secretary, said Qi.

海浪吼叫着拍击着岩石。The sea waves were roaring and breaking over the rocks.