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他是一个有争议的人物。He is a controversial figure.

当然也是非常有争议的话题。Of course, it's controversial.

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但是代理治疗是有争议的。But surrogacy is controversial.

所有这些选择都具有争议。All the choices are controversial.

这一点也颇具争议。Once again,may sound controversial.

印刷术的诞生是有争议的。The origin of print is controversial.

80个颇具争议和令人作呕的平面广告Controversial and Disturbing Print Ads

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在猎人中,放不放诱饵一般是个争议性话题。Among hunters baiting is controversial.

实际上,这常常富有争议。In practice, it is often controversial.

这个议题是很有争议的。The topic of argument is controversial.

这个观念本身是没有争议的。The idea itself is not that controversial.

一年过去了,战略防御与安全评估任然备受争议。A year on, the SDSR is still controversial.

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可以想象出,这引发了多大的争议。As you can imagine, this was controversial.

这中极具争议性的话题往往很受社会的关注。The controversial issue into public focus.

游记至今仍是一个众说不一的概念。Travels" is still a controversial concept."

MFH的细胞起源目前仍有争议。The cell origin of MFH remains controversial.

这些鳄鱼皮的使用也引发了争议。The use of these skins is also controversial.

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这种反人身武器是有争议的。Such anti-personnel weapons are controversial.

偏心确实是一个备受争议的话题。Favouritism is certainly a controversial topic.

但这种道路收费方式颇具争议。Such road-pricing,however,can be controversial.