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血流加速Your blood is racing.

那赛龙舟呢?。The dragon boat racing?

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阿.40纳尔逊赛车引擎。A . 40 Nelson racing engine.

车神回来了。传奇人物将再次出赛。The God of racing has come back.

不用麻烦,咱蜗牛速度赛过极品飞车。Don't worry. It's a racing snail.

我的儿子对赛车着了迷。My son is wild about racing cars.

棉花价格正在飞涨。The price of cotton is racing up.

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他对高速公路赛车着了迷。He is crazy about speedway racing.

你有试过开着它比赛吗?Did you ever try to take it racing?

你曾经玩过卡丁车吗?Have you ever tried racing go-karts?

我觉得头昏眼花、心跳加速。I feel woozy, and my heart is racing.

他们在赛跑,看谁跑得最快。They are racing to see who is fastest.

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他在赌赛马上花了很多钱。He spent too much money on horse racing.

推荐用于越野赛车和使用。Recommended for off-road and racing use.

这匹马正在和其他五匹马比赛。The horse is racing against five others.

比赛教我们挑战自我。Racing teaches us to challenge ourselves.

有否参与过单车比赛或活?。Have you participated in any bike racing ?

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你听过田忌赛马的故事么?Have you heard Tianji's horse racing story?

该巴泽氏族赛马传奇。The Baze clan is legendary in horse racing.

Nick坐在他的公寓中,思绪万千。Nick sits in his apartment, his mind racing.