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美洲野牛在一个温泉附近吃草。Bison graze near a hot spring.

他们用长矛刺死了一头野牛。They stuck a bison with spears.

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这是阿帕,会飞的野牛阿帕。This is Appa , my flying bison.

要想补铁,就找野牛。To get a good dose of iron, try bison.

世界范围内发生于牛,水牛,鹿和野牛。Occurs worldwide in cattle, buffalo, deer and bison.

现在,野牛群又增加数以百计千计的数量。Now bison herds have increased to the hundreds of thousands.

在BISON的关键词中“and”永远做为逻辑操作符。In a BISON keyword search, “and” is always a Boolean operator.

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我们旧金山确实有野牛,不过你可能没见过。We do have live bison in San Francisco, if you haven't seen it.

大群的野牛过去曾生活在北美大草原上。Large herds of bison used to live on the plains of North America.

男人们诱捕,狩猎通常由史前野牛和猛犸组成的兽群。Bands of men went in search of herds of prehistoric bison or mammoth.

在马尼托巴省骑山国家公园的大草原上的吃草的野牛。Bison graze on a prairie in Manitoba’s Riding Mountain National Park.

接着我去了金门公园,去了野牛帕多克。Then, I went out to Golden Gate Park and I went to the Bison Paddock.

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那里的壤土遭到无数群野牛的践踏…We camp there, where the loam is trampled by countless herd of bison.

野牛是有蹄动物,背部有隆肉,毛粗而长。The bison is a hoofed animal with a humped back and long, coarse hair.

一会儿,一头野牛也用角来顶他,把狮子视为可恨的仇敌。While, a bison also used his top corner to the Lions as hateful enemies.

Willcutt从南达科他州带回了保护区的第一头野牛。Willcutt brought the reserve's first bison from South Dakota to Montana.

现在,欧洲野牛和黑足鼬的数量都重新得到了恢复。Populations of the European bison and black-footed ferret are both recovering.

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而使用金色野牛皮肤,你的上古野牛也将脱胎换骨,金光闪闪。The use of golden buffalo skin, your ancient bison will be reborn, glittering.

灰熊,狼,自由放养的美洲野牛和麋鹿群都在公园里生活着。Grizzly Bears, wolves, and free-ranging herds of bison and elk live in the park.

殖民者在平原上修起了铁路,于是开始猎取更多的野牛。The settlers built railways across the plains and began to hunt even more bison.