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我期望这是一个步态竞赛反正。I expected it to be a cakewalk anyway.

这学期我通过考试是轻而易举的事情。Doing my exams was a cakewalk in this semester.

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赢得这次竞赛是很简朴的事。Winning this contest is going to be a cakewalk.

在1812年,接管加拿大将是一个步态竞赛。In 1812, taking over Canada was going to be a cakewalk.

许多公司发现在中国做生意绝非易事。Many companies are finding that doing business in China is no cakewalk.

这样,黑客就轻而易举地利用了受害者的凭证登录到网银站点。The rest is a cakewalk for the hacker to log on to the banking Web site with the victim's credentials.

拥有全明星阵容的国际奥委会显然是最受欢迎的,但他们也不会手到擒来的。With a celebrated line-up, IOC were clear favourites. But even they would not have expected a cakewalk.

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虽然拥有这样的资源这个任务也不会是一个轻松任务,所以小心的计划和协调作战是非常必要的。Even whit all these resources this mission will not be a cakewalk so careful planning and coordination is needed.

这种情形一旦发生,全球经济将陷入一场让2008年雷曼兄弟倒闭都相形见拙的危机。If it happens, the global economy will plunge into a crisis that will make the 2008 bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers look like a cakewalk.

如果你能重复的做到以上三点,你就已经踏上成为外汇交易大师之路!但是,我们要先警告你,这并不容易。If you can repeatedly do these three things, then you're on your way to being a superstar forex trader! But we warn you, it's no cakewalk.