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氡和石棉。Radon and asbestos.

为何石棉成为问题?Why is asbestos a problem?

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石棉是一种绝缘的材料。Asbestos is a nonconducting material.

受到破坏的石棉可能会向空气中释放微细纤维。Disturbing asbestos can release microscopic fibers to the air.

谢谢您的提醒,不过我的衣服是石棉做的。Thank you for your aming, but my clothes are made of asbestos.

所有病例均无明显石棉接触史。All the cases had no evidently history of exposure to asbestos.

这是因为在致癌作用的石棉粒子。This is because of the carcinogenic effect of asbestos particles.

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填料一般用浸油或涂有石墨的石棉绳。Filler generally Baptist oil or graphite coated with asbestos rope.

每三名职业性癌症死亡病例中,就有一例是由石棉引起的。One in three deaths from occupational cancer is caused by asbestos.

我将得到我的石绵以齿轮连起出仅仅以防万一。Crits and comments welcome. I'll get my asbestos gear out just in case.

各种石棉板、保温材料、等各种密封材料等。Asbestos board, insulation materials, and various sealing materials etc.

现在,他的胸腔不但长有多块淋巴肿瘤,还出现石棉中毒症状。He now has lymphatic tumours in his chest, as well as asbestos poisoning.

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2003年公司把无石棉产品定为重点发展方向。We took non- asbestos product for important developing direction in 2003.

研究石棉胶乳板的抄取工艺。This paper investigates the papermaking technology of asbestos latex sheets.

我公司始建于一九九五年,年产石棉胶板5000余吨。Our company builds in 1995, the annual production asbestos off-set 5000 tons.

所有患者均无石棉接触史,5例出现临床症状。None of them had been exposed to asbestos. Symptoms were present in 5 patients.

水镁石纤维是一种安全的非石棉天然矿物纤维。Fiber Brucite is a kind of natural mineral fiber which is safe and non asbestos.

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本文还对以石棉纤维为基体的碳管生长机制进行了探讨。Apossible mechanism for growth of carbon tubes around asbestos fibres is proposed.

但是当石棉纤维老化断裂,很多微小颗粒能够漂浮在空气中。But when asbestos fibers get old and break, tiny particles can drift into the air.

石棉制品,又有石棉带、绳、板和石棉橡胶板等。Asbestos products and asbestos tape rope boards and panels such as asbestos rubber.