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苏克雷随即离开了。Sucre leaves.

苏克雷的小女儿健康成长,苏克雷一脸的满足。Sucre hugged his daughter.

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让我和苏克雷来解决。Let me and Sucre handle it.

Sucre紧张地坐在床铺上等待着。Sucre waits nervously on his bunk.

但是坐着发愣的Sucre只是道歉。But Sucre sits dazed and apologizes.

Sucre告诉Maricruz,他爱她。Sucre tells Maricruz that he loves her.

Sucre躺在上铺装睡。Sucre lays on the top bunk, faking sleep.

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Sucre在他身旁低语,“就是这次机会了,兄弟。”Sucre whispers behind him, “This is it, bro.”

Sucre再次检查了牢房外通道,“情况良好”。Sucre checks the catwalks again. “We’re good.”

Sucre发现马桶不能冲水了,起了疑心。Sucre stands at the toilet but it won’t flush.

Sucre走过洗衣房,停住了脚步。Sucre walks through the laundry room and pauses.

苏克雷和马宏趁乱逃出,怀亚特紧跟其后。Sucre slips out with Mahone, and Wyatt chases them.

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塔克斯宏并没有出现在办公室,苏克雷准备离开。When Tuckhorn never shows up to work, Sucre leaves.

林肯和苏克雷打断了他们的交易,演变成了一场枪战。Lincoln and Sucre arrive and engage in a gun battle.

Sucre困惑地看着,接着将手机劈啪一声折成两段。Sucre looks puzzled, and then snaps the phone in half.

林肯怂恿他扣动扳机,但莎拉和苏克雷劝服他不要动手。Linc eggs him on, but Sara and Sucre talk him out of it.

团队回到了大本营,莎拉对苏克雷进行了治疗处理。The team returns to the warehouse and Sara treats Sucre.

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他打电话叫巴利克和苏克雷在后面接应他。He calls Bellick and Sucre to have them meet him out back.

格雷琴走下楼梯,苏克雷向她袭击。As Gretchen descends down the stairwell, Sucre attacks her.

Sucre不情愿地拿着搅蛋器开始钻洞。Sucre reluctantly takes the egg beater and begins to drill.