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这样在别人面前,他们就是匿名的。Well, there's anonymity from others.

他的伟大之处是藏而不露。His greatness was clothed in anonymity.

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我喜欢籍籍无名和亲密感。I loved the anonymity and the intimacy.

在防火墙内部,没有匿名机制。Inside the firewall, there is no anonymity.

他们显然憎恶匿名信。It was evident that they detested anonymity.

我渴望成为一个匿名的粗鲁的欧洲人。I often long for the rude anonymity of Europe.

西北边境人,生平姓名不详。North-West Frontier people, life of anonymity.

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是什么为告密者提供匿名性?What provides anonymity for the whistleblower?

在人种学研究中,匿名信是伪造的吗?。Is Anonymity an Artifact in Ethnographic Research?

盖哈啦也偏爱线上交友的匿名方式。Galhara also prefers the anonymity of online friendships.

2020年前,匿名上网这种形式是否会消失?Will Online Anonymity Have Gone the Way of the Dodo by2020?

道路暴躁情绪会在相关的匿名者的汽车中兴奋起来。Road rage bubbles up in the relative anonymity of one’s car.

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但是到了互联网时代,匿名性是个稀奇的事情。But until the age of the Internet, anonymity was a rare thing.

再有一种减少责任的办法就是匿名。And yet another way of diminishing responsibility is anonymity.

象很多山寨产品一样,该生产商似乎更喜欢隐名埋姓。As with many shanzhai products, the maker seems to prefer anonymity.

我不能让警察认出我,于是藏身在人群中装成了另一个人。To maintain my anonymity I have to be just another face in the crowd.

这位官员要求必须匿名,因为双方合约尚未谈完。The official requested anonymity because the contract was not complete.

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每个人都在这集体经济的“无故事”中被默默无名地埋葬掉。Everyone is buried in the anonymity of the collective economic "non-story."

这名官员要求要求匿名才肯透露希拉里会面的情况。The official spoke on condition of anonymity to preview Clinton's meetings.

还有人指出没有方法可以真正的摆脱互联网的匿名性。Others point out that there’s no way to truly rid the Internet of anonymity.