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她的服装贫适合那种场合。Her clothes befit the occasion.

这一场合要求穿礼服。His clothes befit the occasion.

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他的服装适合那种场合。His clothes befit the occasion.

她的衣着与婚礼相称。Her clothes befit the wedding ceremony.

你最好不要做这些和你身分不符的事情。You shouldn't do things that do not befit your status.

我们今晚的表现的确有些配不上皇家马德里这样的球队。Our image tonight did not befit of a team like Real Madrid.

你的衣著应与你这种地位的妇女相称。You shall dress in a way that befit a woman of your position.

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她所需要的脆弱性,羞怯与细致的合意她的性格幸运。She has the required vulnerability, coyness and delicacy that befit her character Lucky.

对于给予我的信任,我将以顺应时代的勇气和忠诚作为回报。For the trust reposed in me, I will return the courage and the devotion that befit the time.

因此,将神圣的真理与有形的物体进行比较后再阐述的方法并不适合于这门学问。Therefore, to put forward divine truths by likening them to corporeal things does not befit this science.

他有若干个职位可以选择,但是他固执地坚持其薪水要求以及一个与其地位相称的头衔。He was offered a couple of jobs but stayed adamant about his salary demands and about a title that would befit a man of his stature.

这倒十分符合早期移民的身分,因为他们将宗教和法律视同一体,二者在他们的品性中融溶为一。As befit ted a people amongst whom religion and law were almost identical, and in whose character both were so thoroughly interfused.

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科学家认为这种玻璃是由3000万年前的陨石冲击地面融溶而成,它的珍稀和光亮足以适用于国王。Scientists think the glass was fused in a meteoritic impact 30 million years ago, making it rare and luminous enough to befit a king.

长期以来,线造型在设计艺术中被运用的淋漓尽致,一切艺术和设计都有线的元素,优美流畅的线适用于一切视觉传达设计。Every kind of arts and designs must include the element of lines, while graceful and flowing lines could befit any visual communication design.

合作者可以在50年内获得几百亿的工作机会和无可估量的经济效益。I am looking forward to another cooperator. The cooperator can obtain 10 billions of job opportunities and inestimable economic befit in 50 years.

如果中国想要得到尊重,他们往往需要给大国一点好处,通过隐蔽的方式和发起一场政变来解决北韩问题。If the Chinese want to gain the respect that would befit a great power they would solve the North Korean mess through covert means and sponsor a coup.

三个多恩人是出席了宴席的,且匹配昆汀王子的身份,虽然雷兹纳克还是小心的将他们安排到离她丈夫尽可能远的地方。The three Dornishmen had been at the feast, as befit Prince Quentyn's rank, though Reznak had taken care to seat them as far as possible from her husband.

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政府提出,该条诉争法律制定的意图仅惠及农民,但医生认为,该条法律规定在字面上没有只限制农民才有权利享受这一免税优惠。The government argued that the provision at issue was intended to benefit farmers only, the doctor replied that its plain wording did not restrict the tax befit to farmer only.