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有孔虫类显示了外围浅海的古代水深。Foraminifera indicate an outer neritic paleobathymetric setting.

不同种类的有孔虫在不同温度下繁殖。Different types of foraminifera thrive at different temperatures.

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但是在查林杰海渊发现的这些有孔虫却没有这种甲壳。But these shells are absent from the foraminifera found in Challenger Deep.

绝大多数的有孔虫是软壳的,软壳为球状或针状,呈棕色。Most of the foraminifera were soft-walled, either spherical or needle-shaped, and coloured brown.

这些有孔虫大约有200至350微米大,或者一毫米的五分之一到三分之一长。These foraminifera were roughly 200 to 350 microns large, or a fifth to a third of a millimeter long.

因此,当K-T灭绝事件开始时这些微小的有孔虫充当十分鲜明的标签。As such, these puny foraminifera serve as very distinct tags of when the K-T extinction event started.

具体而言,他们看到了微壳形成的被称为有孔虫的生物体遗体。Specifically, they looked at the remains of microscopic shell-forming organisms known as foraminifera.

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通过对渤海沿岸末次冰期黄土中有孔虫化石的研究。An investigation of foraminifera was conducted in the last glacial loess along the coast of the Bohai Sea.

浮游有孔虫氧同位素组成的空间变化,主要和海洋物理因素有关。Variation of planktonic foraminifera oxygen isotope in space depends predominantly on marine physics factors.

海洋生物的骨骼残骸,比如软体动物、甲壳纲动物、有孔虫类使得海滩成为珍珠的白色。These skeletal remains from creatures such as molluscs, crustacean and foraminifera create a pearly white sand beach.

记录的保管者是有孔虫类-简称“有孔虫”-它非常小,小到几个有孔虫可以一起坐在针尖上。The record keepers are foraminifera – "forams" for short – creatures so small that several could sit together on a pinhead.

数据来自于北大西洋海底沉积物的钻芯,包括有孔虫类计算和海面温度估计。Data include foraminifera counts and sea surface temperature estimates derived from marine sediment cores from the north Atlantic Ocean.

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海沟中提取出的泥中生存着细菌、真菌和叫做有空虫类的原始单细胞有机体。Globs of mud pulled from the trench have yielded an assortment of bacteria, fungi and primitive single-celled organisms called foraminifera.

在该时期,底栖大有孔虫也在进行着不同的进化并存在不同的古地理分布。In that period, large benthic foraminifera are also great for a different evolution and the existence of different palaeogeographic distribution.

柴达木盆地西部第三系的碳酸盐岩层中发现有藻类、介形虫、有孔虫、腹足类、多毛类等化石。The fossils of algae, ostracoda, foraminifera , gastropod and polychaeta were found in the Tertiary carbonate beds in the west of Chaidamu Basin.

出现有“海相”沟鞭藻、有孔虫和钙质超微化石是由于当时湖泊咸化及富养料造成的。The presence of the "marine" Dinophyceae, foraminifera and calcareous ultramicrofossils are attributed to the salinized lakes and abundant nutrients.

科学家们则通过对10处盐沼中不同种类有孔虫的分布情况进行绘图,从而对这一记录进行破解。The scientists began decoding that record by mapping the distribution of different foraminifera species -- or "forams" -- at 10 North Carolina marsh sites.

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二氧化碳含量上升致使海洋酸化,对像有孔虫这样有碳酸钙外壳的生物体所产生的影响尤为致命。Rising carbon dioxide levels acidify the ocean, which has a particularly devastating effect on organisms that have calcium carbonate shells, like Foraminifera.

北里洋的研究小组推测软壳有孔虫之所以在马里亚纳海沟的泥里能够兴旺发达是因为它们是为数不多的能够抵挡那儿如此巨大压力的生物。Kitazato's group speculates that soft foraminifera thrive in the Mariana mud because they are among the few creatures that can withstand the huge pressures there.

控制本区有孔虫分布的主要因素是深海碳酸盐溶解作用、水团、海底地形以及残留沉积。The main factors controlling the distribution of foraminifera in the area are dissolution of deep-sea carbonate, water masses, sea-floor relief and relict sediment.