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贫血会加重乙肝吗?。Liver of second of anaemic meeting accentuation?

单用胸腺放射治疗不能缓解贫血。Sheet radiates with thymus cure cannot alleviate anaemic.

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我血压低轻微贫血能献血么?Is my blood depress slight and anaemic can you donate blood?

贫血血压低在饮食起居上应注意些什么?What should anaemic blood depress notice on dietary daily life?

贫血严重者,眼底苍白最为常见。Anaemic and serious person, eye ground is cadaverous most common.

贫血的人在喝药时有那些不能吃的?。Is anaemic person drinking drug from time to tome those inedible ?

人为什么会贫血?贫血有哪些症状?怎样治疗贫血?Factitious what is anaemic ? What symptom does anaemia have? How to treat anaemia?

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某些药物或化学毒物可引起铁粒幼细胞贫血。Certain pharmaceuticals or chemical poison can cause iron bead young cell is anaemic.

贫血,低血糖,高血压,低血压,分别有什么症状?Anaemic , hypoglycemia, hypertensive, low blood pressure, what symptom to have respectively?

如果你贫血或者月经量过多,医生可能会给你开补铁的药物或者保健品。And your GP may recommend an iron supplement if you are anaemic or suffer from heavy periods.

在接受调查的16个国家中,15个国家有超过五分之一的儿童和孕妇患有贫血症。In 15 of 16 countries surveyed, more than one fifth of children and pregnant women were anaemic.

玛吉说她在印度长大,从小就患上了患贫血症,并被逼着生吞肝脏。Maggie said she grew up in India and as a child was so anaemic that she was forced to eat raw liver.

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溶血性贫血、恶性贫血患者苍白中带有黄的色调。Malign and haemolysis sex anaemia, anaemic patient is cadaverous in contain those who fizzle out is tonal.

然而,在多数发达金融体系中,随后的复苏不仅显示出了低下的质量和贫血症状,而且引发了痛苦的去杠杆化进程。But the subsequent recovery has been anaemic and sub-par in most advanced economies given painful deleveraging.

我步行去商店,我在淋浴头下的“毛毛细雨”中瑟瑟发抖,我这样做真的能改变世界吗?Does my walking to the store or shivering under the drizzle of my anaemic shower head make any real difference to the world?

简言之,预计后泡沫世界将在2009年全年持续衰退,在最好的情况下,于2010年出现疲弱的复苏。In short, look for a post-bubble world to remain in recession throughout 2009, followed by an anaemic recovery, at best, in 2010.

术后患者血红蛋白值处于贫血范围可能由于血液丢失,其次是骨折及随后的外科手术。The ost-o erative haemoglobin value within anaemic range could be due to blood loss secondary to fracture and subsequent surgery.

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为什么蹲久了或坐久了站起来的时候会头晕脑胀,眼前发黑!是贫血引起的吗?怎样解决?Why to crouch long or sit long when standing up, can giddy head bilges, at the moment nigrescent ! Be anaemic cause? How to solve?

临床表现为面色苍白,精神萎靡,食欲不振,乏力等慢性贫血症状。Clinical expression is complexion cadaverous, spirit is dispirited, inappetence , lack of power wait for chronic and anaemic symptom.

正因如此,投资者担心这意味着它可能会被降级,尤其是当法国这样一个本身经济增长乏力的国家进一步不稳定的话。That, investors fear, means it could be the next target for a downgrade, especially if already anaemic economic growth falters further.