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他在法兰福上了飞机。He gong on the plane at frankfurt.

他在法兰福上了飞机。He went on the plane at Frankfurt.

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法兰克福机场距离酒店仅有60分钟车程。Frankfurt is a 60-minute drive away.

你知道我到达法兰克福的时间吗?Do you know what time I arrive in Frankfurt?

在法兰克福美茵大厦观景台上眺望整个城市。City from Frankfurt Main Tower observation deck.

第61届法兰克福国际书展将于13日隆重开幕。The 61st Frankfurt Book Fair will kick off Tuesday.

法兰克福机场是全欧洲第三大机场。Frankfurt Airport is Europe's third-largest airport.

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我向东出发前往印度,途经法兰克福。I set out for India by going due east, via Frankfurt.

谢谢,在法兰克福跟郎先生的会面怎样?。Thank you and how was your meeting with Mr. Lang in Frankfurt?

我姐姐玛戈特1926年出生在德国美因河畔的法兰克福。My sister Margot was born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany in 1926.

合并后的新公司将分别在法兰克福和纽约设立总部。The new company would have headquarters in Frankfurt and New York.

其母株上一次开花是1992年在法兰克福棕榈花园。Its mother plant last bloomed in the Frankfurt Palm Garden in 1992.

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来回国泰航空公司经济客位机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Frankfurt on CX.

那名法兰克福队员脸上的表情是无价的。The look on the face of the Eintracht Frankfurt player was priceless.

费斯克的大众文化理论向法兰克福学派发起了挑战。Fiske challenges the frankfurt school about theory of popular culture.

伴随着这场胜利,银河队以6胜2负的战绩在积分榜上独占鳌头。With the win, Frankfurt improved to 6-2 and sits alone in first place.

年7月25日自基希纳乌经法兰克福飞萨格勒布途中。Composed on my flight from Chisinau to Zagreb via Frankfurt on July 25, 2002.

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今年的法兰克福书展,中国首次以主宾国身份亮相。This year's Frankfurt Book Fair, China's first to debut as the guest country.

这笔资金由法兰克福运至莫斯科谢列梅捷沃机场,没有署名收件人。It was flown to Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport from Frankfurt with no recipient.

但是AQIS允许在阿姆斯特丹和法兰克福机场内进行转运。However AQIS will allow trans-shipment through Amsterdam and Frankfurt airports.