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在仅仅只有17岁的时候,这个年轻的克罗地亚人就是萨各勒布迪纳摩的队长了。At the age of just 17 the young Croat was captain of Dinamo Zagreb.

阿贾克斯,1995年的冠军,萨格勒布迪纳摩组中的功能。Ajax, the 1995 champions, and Dinamo Zagreb also feature in the group.

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札嘎其鱼市场上最令人瞩目的是这里的“女掌门”。Zagreb honk the fish on the most remarkable here is the "female rated".

萨格勒布迪纳摩使用4-4-2阵型来适应现在的快速足球。Dinamo Zagreb use a 4-4-2 system adapted to today's fast moving football.

1980年至1992年,她在萨格勒布国际动画节工作。From 1980 to 1992, she worked in Zagreb International Animation Festival.

奥西耶克南斯拉夫北部城市,位于札格勒布东南偏东,濒德拉瓦河。A city of northern Yugoslavia on the Drava River east-southeast of Zagreb.

助理教练艾托尔•卡兰卡在对萨格勒布的比赛后出息了新闻发布会。Assistant coach Aitor Karanka talked to the press after the match in Zagreb.

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年7月25日自基希纳乌经法兰克福飞萨格勒布途中。Composed on my flight from Chisinau to Zagreb via Frankfurt on July 25, 2002.

崔氏尔是首府札格拉布独立观光业谘询。Zeljko Trezner, is an independent tourism consultant in Croatian capital Zagreb.

葡萄牙前锋和卡里姆•本泽马在赛后谈论了他们在萨格勒布的感受。The Portuguese forward and Karim Benzema shared their views on the match in Zagreb.

博尔多生于1930年,目前在著名的萨格勒布动画学院任教。Bordo was born in 1930 and belongs to the well-known Zagreb School of Animated Film.

而他们在阿克拉和布拉柴维尔的见闻和经历也将随他们传到温哥华和萨格勒布。What they learn in Accra and Brazzaville will travel with them to Vancouver and Zagreb.

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西班牙小将以对萨格勒布迪纳摩的欧冠资格赛作为本赛季进球的起点。The Spaniard kicked off this season with a brace at Dinamo Zagreb in the Champions League.

温格在周二对萨格勒布的大名单中没有加入英格兰国脚左后卫的名字。The Arsenal manger omitted the England left back from his squad for the trip to Dinamo Zagreb on Tuesday.

埃及的吉札金字塔被誉为古代世界七大奇迹之一。The pyramid of Auspicious Zagreb of Egypt is praised for one of ancient seven greatest miracles in the world.

萨格勒布市法院当天的判决并非终审判决,被告如果不服,可以提出上诉。Zagreb Municipal Court's decision is not a final decision that day, the defendant is not satisfied, can appeal.

事实上在2007年爱德华多转会到阿森纳以后,这位23的前锋做为他的替代者加盟了萨格勒布迪那摩队并有着良好的表现。Ironically the 23-year-old rose to prominence at Dinamo Zagreb as result of Eduardo's transfer to Arsenal in 2007.

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当阿森纳踌躇满志前往克罗地亚对阵萨格勒布迪纳摩时,科尔将被留在大本营。ASHLEY COLE will be left behind by Arsenal as they head for tomorrow's Champions League qualifier with Dinamo Zagreb.

不论是参观萨格勒布的博物馆,还是游览海边的岛屿,人们总是能在这个国家大饱眼福,尽享旅行的乐趣。Be it visiting a museum in Zagreb or island hopping off the coast, there is plenty for all to do and see in this country.

预计罗斯基和雷耶斯都不能在下周三对萨格勒布迪纳莫的欧冠比赛之前复出。Looking ahead, Rosicky and Reyes will not be fit enough to return for Wednesday's Champions League tie against Dinamo Zagreb.