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闭上我的嘴巴!Close my mouth!

保存并关闭。Save and close.

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闭其门。Close its doors.

闭上你的眼睛。Close your eyes.

关闭编辑器。Close the editors.

关好窗子。Close the windows.

我关不上它。I cannot close it.

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飞?很接近了。Flying? Also close.

我和她关系密切。I'm close with her.

那是一场难分难解的比赛。It was a close race.

关闭硒鼓盖门。Close the toner door.

关你什麽事?。Close you what thing?

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这是场势均力力敌的比赛。It was a close match.

请关上水龙草头。Please close the tap.

这个门关不上。The door won't close.

你紧紧拥我于怀中。You held me so close.

不要关上这扇门!Do not close the door!

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合上你的铅笔盒。Close your pencil case.

请把窗盖拉下。Please close the blind.

他们还是知心朋友。They are close friends.