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如果我怠慢或粗心,我会坠落。If I am inattentive or careless, I will fall.

老师责备那个在课堂上不注意听讲的学生。The teacher jumped on the inattentive pupil in class.

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但是,他的逻辑并不严密、不谨细,时有粗疏。However, his logic is imprecise, incautious, and inattentive.

上课多言散漫,应用功学习。Talkative and inattentive in class, should try to work harder.

啊,不,不。有混乱,因为我一直漫不经心。Ah, no, no. There is messiness, because I have been inattentive.

事故往往就是在一时的疏忽或者判断失误时发生的。An accident is just one inattentive moment or lapse in judgement away.

懒惰及上课不留心,各科成绩欠佳,必须加倍努力。Lazy and inattentive in class. Unsatisfactory results, should work harder.

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于是我努力教她我的“手势语言”,但是她总是反应迟钝,心不在焉。I tried hard to teach her my sign language, but she was dull and inattentive.

一不留神,猴子从“铁索桥”掉下来,栽了个跟斗,跑到洞里去了。Inattentive when a monkey from the "iron chain bridge" fall, plant a went to the hole.

魔御邪平静道,似乎并不在意那两人的身份。Is evil to resist an evil equanimity way, seem inattentive those 2 people's identities.

一不留神就会钻进你的脑海里,折磨得人百感交集不能自拔。Drilling will be a inattentive mind you, find themselves unable to torture people with feelings.

我诺诺地点头,不敢再问下去,怕一不留神露出自己的庸俗浅薄。Nono, and I nodded, afraid to go on to ask, afraid of his own inattentive when a shallow vulgar.

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此类火灾大多源起于厨房,是由笨拙或粗心的做饭人引起的,这一事实并不令人惊讶。Not surprisingly, most of these fires originate in the kitchen from clumsy or inattentive cooks.

张仲景有感于世人不关心自己的身体健康、不留神医药之书北京丝足按摩。Zhang Zhongjing Feeling the world does not care about their health, inattentive book of medicine.

相反地,课堂上一副心不在焉的男生,可能只是因为坐得太远而听不见老师的声音。Conversely , boys who appear to be inattentive in class may just be sitting too far away to hear the teacher.

那些梅花的花蕊是那一个个的小圆球,一不留神就会刻出一个三棱的来。Which is the plum blossom-tipped stamens of a small sphere, one can carve a Trigonobalanus inattentive to the.

路子并不在意黑川的态度,把从森那儿听到的情况说了一遍。The attitude of road son inattentive black Chuan said 1 time of the circumstances that hear there from the Sen.

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具体地来说,那就意味着你会比往常更加松散,更倾向于用基本的放松。Concretely, that implies that you will be more inattentive than ordinary, much more inclined with the basic reflexion.

人们保护他们长期的情侣关系方法之一是简单忽略这些其他选择。One of the ways people look to protect their long-term relationship is to simply remain inattentive to those alternatives.

这个诱惑将继续下去,找到一个人,能替代你那个在家里唠唠叨叨的妻子或对你已毫无兴趣的丈夫是这么容易,只需轻轻一点你的鼠标。It will continue to be tempting and easy to substitute a nagging wife or an inattentive husband with a click of your mouse.