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你喜欢看脱衣舞吗?Do you like to watch striptease?

每个人都喜欢电影中那些脱衣舞的经典桥段。Everyone loves a good striptease in movies.

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学习跳脱衣舞十分容易。Learning how to striptease is not difficult.

而叙述几近于脱衣舞。A narrative that is almost like a striptease.

背景音乐在脱衣舞中起着关键的作用。Background music plays a critical part in striptease dancing.

接下来,安德森爬到上司的办公桌上,跳起了脱衣舞。Ms. Anderson climbed onto the boss's desk and did a striptease.

观看如何跳脱衣服的指导视频可以帮助你。Watching instructional videos on how to striptease can help you.

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如果你想要引诱的你的男人,没有什么可以与脱衣舞相匹敌。Nothing can beat striptease dancing if you want to effectively seduce your man.

不出一个礼拜你就能掌握脱衣舞合适的舞姿。It will not take a week before you can master the proper moves of striptease dancing.

与过去截然不同的是,现在的脱衣舞少了不少低俗的言语和行为,——Tanya说。Some time ago striptease was absolutely different, there was less vulgarity, – says Tanya.

与部分西方女性不同的是,像Yana这样的俄罗斯女性很愿意、也很享受看脱衣舞男。Unlike some of their western counterparts, Russian women like Yana tend to view and enjoy striptease.

莫斯科逾40家打出广告的脱衣舞夜总会中,接近三分之一提供脱衣舞男服务,有些甚至只提供脱衣舞男。Of Moscow's 40-plus advertised strip clubs, just under a third offer male striptease -- some exclusively.

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你要明白学习跳脱衣舞并不全是学习正确的舞步和性感的撩拨。You need to understand that learning how to striptease is not all about studying the right dance steps and sexy moves.

无数的电影奉献出十几个经典的脱衣舞片段,但恕我直言,下面将会罗列出迄今为止最好的脱衣舞场景。Countless movies carry dozens of stripteases, but IMHO, the movies listed below have some of the best striptease scenes ever.

事实上,即使你笨手笨脚,你也能为你的男友或老公秀出一段十分诱人的脱衣舞。In fact, even if you have two left feet, you will be able to perform a very seductive striptease for your boyfriend or husband.

学习这些基本步骤之后,你就为学习真正的演示视频或者作品做好准备从而更快的学习如何跳脱衣舞。After you study the preliminaries, you are now ready to study actual instructional videos or literatures to quickly learn how to striptease.

尽管欧洲多数国家的首都也有专招待女性顾客的脱衣舞男俱乐部,不过通常仅限于婚前“单身女之夜”或者猛男秀。While male striptease for women is found in most European capitals, it is often reserved for pre-marriage 'hen nights' or Chippendale shows.

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只要你对你所学的真正的感兴趣以及练习,那么你就能在俩到三天左右时间成为优秀的舞者。As long as you are really interested and you practice what you watch, then you could become an excellent striptease dancer in two or three days.

记住,这个房间就是你的舞台如果你想你的舞蹈极具实战性,你应该知道如何把它变成一个浪漫之地。Remember, the room is your stage and if you want your striptease dancing to make a solid impact, you should know how to transform it into a very romantic place.

已故的埃及古物学者多米尼克·蒙特塞拉特对此进行了全面的研究,最后总结这个概念是从19世纪伦敦一种奇怪的“脱衣舞”开始的。The late Egyptologist Dominic Montserrat conducted a comprehensive search and concluded that the concept began with a strange "striptease" in 19th-century London.