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以下是他们的谈话记录。A transcript of their discussion follows.

誊本的讨论,很可怕。The transcript of the discussion is terrible.

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以下是编选的采访对话。An edited transcript of the interview follows.

以下是经过整理的访谈内容。An edited transcript of the interview follows.

你高中的成绩单带来了吗?Did you bring your transcript from high school?

否则,嘿嘿,我的成绩单副本就是证明。Otherwise, well, my transcript speaks for itself.

以下是播音员的精准笔录。The following is an exact transcript of this podcast.

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我那份改头换面的成绩单,并没有引起商学院的疑虑。My duff transcript did not faze the schools I applied to.

最新收到的信息,意味着我一定要补寄第七学期成绩么。You have provided a transcript for six semesters or less.

用户预定义教成绩单和音频文件。Teach user with predefined transcript and from audio file.

一份录音带的文字本作为证据被呈交法庭。A transcript of the tapes was presented as evidence in court.

我应该返回维洛司处,将烧毁的抄本交给他。I should return to Verus and show him the charred transcript.

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申请者需具备课程评估副本。Applicants must submit a course-by-course transcript evaluation.

当申请入大学时是需要高中的成绩单的。A highschool transcript is needed when applying for universities.

当约翰的成绩单被找到时,他将被他的母亲惩罚。John will be punished by his mother when his transcript is found.

与她谈你的选校计划,并讨论你的成绩单。Meet to talk about your college plans and review your transcript.

所以他们不必担心成绩单。So they don't have to worry about things going on their transcript.

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现在此笔录已经完成,而我也将此篇补入原始的作品中。Now the transcript is ready and had been added to the original work.

该基因在进化过程中高度保守。The transcript of the PPB gene is highly conserved during evolution.

Macworld网站已发布经过编辑的此次电话会议纪录,具体可点击这里。Macworld has posted an edited transcript of the conference call here.