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这是一个相当靠不住的论调。This is a fairly fallacious argument.

高斯向他指出证明是错误的。Gauss showed him that the proof was fallacious.

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这个等式中的三种联系中的每一种联系都是荒谬的。Each of the three links in this equation is fallacious , of course.

这个推断是谬误的没有合理的证据支持它。This inference is fallacious without reasonable evidence to support it.

谬误的假设和方法就像佩利翁山叠到奥萨山上那样层出不穷。Fallacious assumption and method are piled upon each other like Pelion on Ossa.

它看起来有点道理,但实际上它代表的论点却是不合理的。It seems quite plausible but actually as it stands this argument is fallacious.

已故经济学家的许多最权威观点其实是错的最离谱的,这令人感到羞耻。It is a shame that many of the most powerful ideas of dead economists are the most fallacious.

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将论证以正确的三段论形式呈现,最容易发现谬误和误导的逻辑论证。Fallacious and misleading arguments are most easily detected if set out in correct syllogistic form.

他买的完全错误的概念,我们在一个全球性的斗争,我们与他们。He's bought into the completely fallacious notion that we're in a global struggle of us-versus-them.

你可以在报纸、广告或者其它材料里面,发现成打的谬误。You can find dozens of examples of fallacious reasoning in newspapers, advertisements, and other sources.

这种女性观念是男性对女性自以为是的“圣母”想象,是女性叙事的谬误。This male concept of female is a self- righteous imagination of "Virgin Mary", and a fallacious female narrative.

以为政府能够用某种方式操纵一下经济而不产生任何后遗症的想法,是完全错误的。The idea, however, that government can manipulate the economy for some without consequences for others is fallacious.

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否则就会出现“政府花钱为企业分化埋单”的双重谬误。Can appear otherwise " governmental beautiful money buries sheet for enterprise become divided " double and fallacious.

但是不管克鲁格曼犯下的错误有多低级,他的粉丝们在他博客上的评论总是让他感到舒畅无比。But no matter how low Krugman's fallacious fruit hangs Krugman has long been comfortable among the acolytes who frequently post on his blog.

统计信息可以用来论证最靠不住脚的论据,只需要根据论据仔细挑选所需的统计信息。Statistics can be used to prove even the most fallacious argument, simply by carefully selecting which statistics one cites as part of the argument.

20世纪30年代的灾难告诉我们,这种对市场及其自我调节能力的信念是荒谬的,并因此带来了以金融监管和福利国家为特征的凯恩斯时代。The 1930s taught us that this belief in markets and self-regulation was fallacious and gave us the Keynesian era of regulated finance and welfare states.

然而,就像很多其他人一样,胡佛把繁荣错误的归结为高工资的结果,而与其他毫不相干。Like all too many others, though, Hoover drew the fallacious conclusion that the prosperity was the result of the high wages rather than the other way around.

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起劲地指责对手的每一个观点,把每一个观点都说成是荒谬的,但是仅仅选择一两个你能够驳倒的观点进行攻击,然后假定你赢了。Vigorously denounce each of your opponent's arguments as fallacious but just select one or two that you can defeat to prove the point. Then assume that you have won.

然后有些热心的道德家却异想天开,以为靠责任和道德原则,就可以对抗欲望。There is a wholly fallacious theory advanced by some earnest moralists to the effect that it is possible to resist desire in the interests of duty and moral principle.

保罗·克鲁格曼效颦了约翰·凯恩斯对储蓄充满偏见的谬论,尽管克鲁格曼或许只是出于盲信,而凯恩斯则只是单纯地错误理解了基础经济学理论。Paul Krugman keeps John Keynes's fallacious bias against savings, although Krugman perhaps does it out of blind faith, while Keynes simply misunderstood basic economic theory.