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新产品开发组的科恩先生说有些公司正在这样做。Mr. Cohen of the NPD Group says some companies are doing this.

在NPD调查集团数据里,这已经是连续第五个月下降。It was the fifth consecutive monthly decline in the figures from the research group NPD.

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任天堂并没有发布具体数据,但是NPD组织将在两周后发布对应报告。Nintendo didn't release sales figures, but the NPD Group will release a report in two weeks.

同时,作为战后初期新纳粹核心力量,这些组织成为NPD的开拓者和奠基人。Meanwhile, as the core of early post-war nero-nazi, these organizations became the pioneer and founder of NPD.

市场调查集团NPD的罗斯‧卢本提到,出版社还需要增加电子书商品的数量和品项。Publishers also need to increase the number and variety of e-books on offer, said Ross Rubin at the NPD group.

NPD的青年组织成为了新纳粹的创新力量,扩大了NPD在年轻人中的影响。The junior organization of NPD became creative powers of neo-nazi and expanded its influence among young people.

新产品开发前端的执行效果与效率将决定项目开发程度。The results of NPD are definitely determined by the effectiveness and efficiency of the ideas of fuzzy front end.

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和新产品项目领导人/新产品工程师一起制定每个试生产的计划。Work with NPI Project Leader and NPD engineer to set each phase production plan during new product introduction period.

所以,研究公司NPD集团说很多美国人正在转向更加健康的饮食方式,并回避节食。So, research company NPD Group says that many Americans are turning into healthier eating lifestyles and shunning diets.

完成NPD数据库中要求的文件和步骤,包括操作人员培训,制造流程审核,试生产报告,制造标准报告等。Complete NPD step on time, these step include Operator training, Mfg process Audit, Pilot run Report, Mfg Stand report, etc.

新产品开发团队负责准备全套的实物模型,并建设生产所需的插头和零部件。NPD is responsible for preparing full size mock-ups and builds the plugs and moulds for all the parts required in manufacturing.

基于开发阶段供应商参与消费类电子企业的基本框架构建是产品协同开发链实施的核心,也是产品协同开发链实施成功的关键和基础。To build the basic framework for the suppliers involved in the NPD is the key to the success of implementation and infrastructure of PCDC.

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结果表明RTR的NPD发生率较高,与其它系统并发症和某些药物密切相关。The results indicated that the incidence of NPD in RTR was high, and both closely related to other system complications and some drugs to be used.

罗斯鲁宾是NPD集团消费电子领域市场研究分析的首席工业分析师。Ross Rubin is director of industry analysis for consumer technology at market research and analysis firm The NPD Group. Views expressed in Switched On are his own.

NPD集团发现,那些买了上网本的人们并不总是明白电脑和动力十足的笔记本之间的差异,且常常对上网本更加的失望。People who buy netbooks don't always understand how the computers differ from full-powered notebooks, and tend to be more disappointed with them, the NPD Group found.

在准备阶段,需要在每个本地周会前按时向新产品领导人和计划员提交进展周报,参与周会时讨论现在的状态。Submit weekly report to NPI Project Leader & NPD planner before local weekly meeting on time during production preparation period, attend weekly meeting to discuss present status.

通过与客户展开以客户为焦点的小组讨论,新产品开发部最近使客户在新模具设计阶段的反馈发展成为了一个更正式的过程。The NPD team has recently developed a more formal process for customer feedback during the design phase of new model development by conducting a series of customer focus group sessions.

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在探索研究阶段,本研究进行与高阶专业经理人的焦点团体讨论,以藉此研究方法确认对协同式新产品开发成功有所帮助的服务。At the exploratory study stage, we will invite several senior managers to conduct a focus group study for identifying the services that are critical to successful collaborative NPD practice.

新产品设计部与设计者及里维埃拉的生产队合作,负责采购新组件和新设备,并为模型说明书做准备。NPD works with the designers and the Riviera Production team and is responsible for the sourcing of new components and equipment and also supports the preparation of the model specifications.

由于WKD继续证明,NPD的一致,加上有效的营销支持是保持消费者的兴趣和招募新饮酒者保持类别蓬勃发展。As WKD has continued to demonstrate, NPD coupled with consistent, effective marketing support is what will maintain consumer interest and recruit new drinkers to keep the category flourishing.