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在被问到对Spring.NET的未来打算时,Pollack说到When asked about future plans for Spring.NET, Pollack said

波拉克是猛虎队2005年挑选的首名新秀,排名第17顺位。Pollack was the Bengals top draft choice in 2005, selected 17th overall.

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工程负责人波拉克说,相对于这艘小船来说这是一个非常大的绞盘。The windlass was extremely large for such a relatively small boat, project leader Pollack said.

不停地发短信或打电话,这种行为通常是想要夺回控制权的表现。Actions like nonstop texting or phoning often are effors to gain control back, " said Dr. Pollack.

因为普莱克已经不和克莱菲尔德共事,所以他未参与此次的评论文章。While Pollack has worked with Klenfield in the past, he was not involved in the current review article.

这个月尼古拉斯·韦德和安德鲁·波拉克在本报发表的文章清楚地表明了困难所在。The difficulties were made clear in articles by Nicholas Wade and Andrew Pollack in The Times this month.

但珀拉克巧妙的把这些结合在一起,一路娓娓道来其中的学问和智慧。But Mr Pollack binds the strands together deftly and imparts a good deal of learning and wisdom along the way.

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普莱克认为“危机”一词在男孩问题的讨论中不应当被回避,这点和克莱菲尔德不同。Unlike Kleinfeld, Pollack does not feel that the word "crisis" should be avoided when discussing boys' issues.

我想起来了,我不能确定对于杰克逊·波拉克来说,电影的意义是什么,但肯定不止一个。Come to think of it, I’m not sure what the cinematic equivalent to Jackson Pollack is. I’m not sure there is one.

但是阿拉伯的民意调查显示他们既要民主又要伊斯兰,珀拉克认为这两者可以并存。But Arabs tell pollsters that they want both democracy and Islam, and Mr Pollack reckons these two are compatible.

这名妻子的律师波拉克指出︰「那间教会与他可能开张的任何其他事业无异。」"That church is no different than any other business he might have opened, " said the wife's lawyer, Robert Pollack.

波拉克想要莫瑞的独角戏,然后别的演员也心有灵犀地做出相应的反应,和搞笑。Pollack wanted a monologue from Murray, and the other actors in the scene were not informed making any response, interesting.

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被拖进这场闹剧的出租车司机大卫•波拉克费力地从车后座上爬出来,摆脱了这群僵尸。Taxi driver David Pollack managed to escape from the horde, scrambling out of the back seat, playing along with the drama of it all.

波拉克列举了可能应用的领域,如环境系统、气候模式、群体遗传学、宇宙学和海洋学。As possible fields of application, Pollack named environmental systems, weather patterns, population genetics, cosmology and oceanography.

波莱克说,有可能出于某些未知的原因,端粒更短的女性比端粒更长的女性更有可能生孩子。It's also possible that for some yet-unknown reason, women with shorter telomeres are more likely than women with longer ones to have children, Pollack said.

莉萨?波洛克是该项目的高级设计师。她说这种把正文转成合成语言的新技术有助于解决数字信号的划分问。Lisa Pollack is the project's senior producer. She said this new technology which turns text into synthesized speech, is helping to bridge the digital divide.

阿拉斯加海洋保护委员会的执行理事多萝西奇尔德斯指出,捕捉绿鳕的捕鱼船队把大比目鱼和大麻哈鱼扔掉。Dorothy Childers, executive director of the Alaska Marine Conservation Council, notes that fishing boats trying to catch pollack dump halibut and salmon over the side.

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“毫无疑问,年轻男性正处于自杀的危机中,”普莱克说,“而且,几乎没有人从性别差异的角度来解决这一问题。”"There’s no doubt that in relation to suicide, boys and young men are in a crisis, " said Pollack. "And almost nothing has been done to remediate it from the gender perspective."

然而,由于调查是在某个时间点开展的,研究人员们无法确定生孩子与更短的端粒长度之间,哪一个先出现。However, because the survey was conducted at a single point in time, the researchers cannot determine which came first in the women's lives — giving birth or having shorter telomeres, Pollack said.