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这件女上衣她穿正合适。The blouse fitted her nicely.

这衣服完全合她的身。The dress fitted her perfectly.

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每台小汽车装着一台录音机。Each car is fitted with a recorder.

每个抽屉上都装了一把锁。Each drawer was fitted with a lock.

小的那只装上两片沙袋。That fitted with a small sandbag 2.

父亲给我的自行车安上了新的外胎。Father fitted a new tyre on my bike.

舵栓要用螺母安装。Rudder pintle to be fitted with nut.

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他和同房间的人处得很融洽。He fitted in well with his roommates.

这幅画用黑色镜框框起来会好看的。He fitted the picture into the frame.

他把地图整洁地塞进包里。He fitted the map snugly into the bag.

他把相片镶入像框内。He fitted the photograph into the frame.

她的小鞋子穿来恰到好处。Her little shoes now fitted her smartly.

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建立了合适的空间数据结构。Buliding a fitted spatial data structure.

那商店的窗子装有可卷动的遮板。The shop is fitted with rolling shutters.

盖侧曲线采用工程上常用的B样条拟合。The shroud curve is fitted with B-spline.

这间卧室可以装备成一门办公室。The bedroom can be fitted up as an office.

他身材高,适合参加球队比赛。His great height fitted him for team games.

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许多链环连在一起组成链条。A lot of links fitted together form a chain.

它们都安装了国产设备。They're fitted with domestic-made equipment.

是的,里面的一些管件也已经被安装好了。Yes, some pipes in it have also been fitted.