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人定胜天。Man will conquer nature.

那就各个击破。Let's divide and conquer.

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征服你内心的邪念!Conquer your inner demons!

岺传说,爱能超越一切。Love is said to conquer all.

克服你所有的内在心魔!Conquer all your inner demons!

胜过贪恋的四种方法。Four ways to conquer coveting.

我可以彻底攻克英语。I can totally conquer English.

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想练就英语口语真功夫吗?Do you want to conquer English?

我们继续将每个列表分成两半。There's the divide and conquer.

战胜自我,笑对人生!Conquer myself and smile to life.

我会用真理战胜谬误。I shall conquer untruth by truth.

我们都必须克服某些恐惧。We all have to conquer some fears.

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如果你不理会它,它就会将你征服。If you let it go, it'll conquer you.

如果你不理会它,它就会将你征服。If you let it go, it’ll conquer you.

诺曼人于何时征服英格兰?When did the Normans conquer England?

你必须克服恐高症。You must conquer your fear of height.

自信能克服困难者,便能之。They can conquer who believe they can.

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你必须战胜畏高症。You must conquer your fear of heights.

选择你的英雄征战天下吧!Choose your hero and conquer the world!

你们这群三脚猫能赢我?You think these misfits can conquer me?