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快走,否则你将太迟了。Scoot , or you will be late.

嘿,布兰迪,你能坐过去一点吗?Hey, Brandi. Could you scoot a little?

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于是,博洛在几次旅程中都试着向东穿越俄罗斯北部的海域。Instead his trips tried to scoot north of Russia.

分析了SCOOT系统的原理与结构。The principle and structure of SCOOT system are analysed.

然后我迅速向后挪开椅子,进浴室洗澡。Then I quickly scoot my chair back and head for the shower.

奶妈,快去阁楼把我妈那个装有服装式样的旧箱子拿下来。Scoot up to the attic, Mammy get down Ma 's old box of dress patterns.

是啊,看经常能开着摩托车冲上这里,我都忘了。Ya, see I was always able to scoot up right here. I forgot about that.

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“为你疾行。”新航空公司的首席执行官坎贝尔威尔逊说。"Scoot is for you, " said the new carrier"s chief executive Campbell Wilson.

“至少你能烧了他的房子。但这些公司,打了劫就跑了。”“At least you can burn down his house. With these companies, it is loot and scoot.”

第三颗、第四颗豌豆怕被装进气枪里,就悄悄地溜走了。The third one and the forth one are afraid to be put into the air gun. They scoot away.

有了这款无线电遥控助动车,你将实现你的梦想并且紧跟时尚前沿。Well with this radio controlled moped you can fulfil your dreams and scoot along in style.

他似乎想要往后面逃,以甩掉捆在他脖子上的炸弹。It looked like he was trying to scoot backward, to somehow escape the bomb strapped to his neck.

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我们飞奔回安装的海盗和特兰德尔的全日空成立后发生的地方接触。We scoot back and mount up in the Vikings and trundle to the ANA post where the contact happened.

当兔子在诺亚羽毛下翻动,诺亚很小心地伸开翅膀包围着小兔子,然后它们蜷缩偎依起来。When the bunnies scoot underneath Noah's feathers, he carefully extends his wings out to surround them and then they snuggle.

接下来坐进一辆电动汽车在镇上到处漫游,再然后租一辆标志自行车,夜晚时骑车去酒吧。Then hop into an electric car to scoot silently around town. Then borrow a Peugeot bicycle to cycle to the pub in the evening.

水瓶和双子旳交流是如此之好,两人都经常需要─起奔离城市去平静内心。Communication between you two is so superb that it knocks you out, and you both often need to scoot out of town together to chill out.

“放贷人住在社区里,”他说。“至少你能烧了他的房子。但这些公司,打了劫就跑了。”“The money lender lives in the community,” he said. “At least you can burn down his house. With these companies, it is loot and scoot.”

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“戴上你的兜帽,一下雨就赶紧回来,”艾伦警告说,“你不能像其他孩子那样着凉。”You put on your hood and mind you scoot back if it starts to rain, " warned Ellen. " You can't monkey with colds the way some kids can. "

介绍了交叉口信号控制的发展过程,及三种先进的在国际上广为应用的区域信号控制系统,即TRANSIT、SCOOT和SCATS系统。I introduce the development of the signalized intersections control and the three advanced, Area Signal Control Systems, they are TRANSIT, SCOOT and SCATS.

分析了当前世界各国广泛使用的信号控制系统TRANSYT、SCATS、SCOOT的主要技术特征、优点及其局限性,指出了这类集中控制系统在四个方面存在的共同缺陷。The thesis gives an analysis of the widely adopted signal control systems such as TRANSYT, SCATS and SCOOT and points out the disadvantages of the systems.