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农业化是什么呢?What is "agriculture"?

农业是当时的主导产业。Agriculture was dominant.

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天津农学院。Tianjin agriculture college.

美国农业局。U. S. Department of Agriculture.

我辅修的是都市农业。I'm minoring in urban agriculture.

农业也存在很多问题。Problems also exist in agriculture.

它有矿物,它还有农业。It has minerals. It has agriculture.

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了解种植体要多少成本。How " to " cost "a" lot for agriculture.

农业的根本出路在于机械化。The key to agriculture is mechanization.

对农业曾长期实行减税。Agriculture has been derated for a long time.

过去农业遭到严重忽视。Agriculture was awfully neglected in the past.

发展集体农业是个好做法。Collective agriculture proved to be a good way.

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第三就是罕用农业水。B third way is to use less water of agriculture.

我们参观了当地生态农业。We visited the environment-friendly agriculture.

永州市是典型的农业大市。Yongzhou city is a big typical agriculture city.

农业经济形式以小家庭式农场规模为主。Agriculture is based on small family-owned farms.

轻工业和农业密切相关。Light industry is closely related to agriculture.

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振兴全球农业并不容易。Revitalising global agriculture will not be easy.

他们将停止使用这块贫瘠土地,不再种庄稼。They will retire this poor land from agriculture.

农业主要是研究人类的吃饭问题。Agriculture looks mainly at what human beings eat.