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黄莺儿是一个任人欣赏的艾勒维奥。The nightingale is a gratuitous Elleviou.

无端风动幕,起坐返窗前。Gratuitous pneumatic screen, sit since returned to the window.

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苯丙氨酸对于PAL的产生具有安慰诱导作用。D-phenylalanine had the gratuitous effect on the inducing of PAL.

莫里森说,“但你不需要很多的压舱物,这白白增加了船的重量。”You shouldn't need a lot of ballast, which is just gratuitous weight.

第三条对外一般物资援助按性质分为贷款援助和无偿援助两种。Article 3 General foreign aids are divided into loan aid and gratuitous aid.

二是由无偿使用森林生态效益向有偿使用森林生态效益的转变。Second, shifting from free use to non- gratuitous use of forest ecological value.

投资补助和贴息资金均为无偿投入。The provision of investment subsidies and interest discount funds shall be gratuitous.

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时间就是性命。无端的空耗别人的时间,其实是无异于谋财害命的。——鲁迅。Time is life. Gratuitous waste other people's time, it is would be tantamount to murder.

因为气候危机越来越严重,英国承担不起如此大量的不必要的浪费。With the climate crisis deepening, Britain can't afford this amount of gratuitous waste.

你可以自由的开或者关,你认为这种有必要使用这种技术么?You can go on or you can go off and actually, how about some gratuitous use of technology?

周围是铺天盖地的对全宇宙最高成就的吹嘘,而现实中的贫穷和堕落却随处可见。gratuitous boasting of cosmic achievements while there is poverty and destruction at home.

时间就是生命,无端的空耗别人的时间,其实无异于谋财害命的。Time is life, gratuitous waste other people's time, actually would be tantamount to murder.

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“小说中的谎言并非无根无源——它们填补了生活的缺陷”,他写道。“The lies in novels are not gratuitous — they fill in the insufficiencies of life,” he wrote.

现阶段来看,人们的体育娱乐消费,绝大部分还得是有偿服务。At the current stage, most of the people's sports entertaining consumption is non- gratuitous.

“小说中的谎言并非无根无源——它们填补了生活的缺陷”,他写道。"The lies in novels are not gratuitous — they fill in the insufficiencies of life, " he wrote.

因为物理是朱丽亚最喜欢的课,她喜欢为西莉亚提供义务辅导。Since physics was julia's favorite subject, she enjoyed providing gratuitous assistance to celia.

艾萨克森常常重复地问乔布斯关于盖茨的事,而乔布斯不会拒绝免费的挖苦机会。Time and again Isaacson repeatedly asks Jobs about Gates and Jobs cannot resist the gratuitous dig.

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他做出来了,然而,他也强调BumpTop不会因为这个原因而使用任何免费的3D效果。He did, however, also stress that BumpTop does not use any gratuitous 3D effects for the sake it it.

芬奇在南边梅岗城任职,为人端正沉稳,常常不计报酬地为贫民们伸张公理。Finch Mockingbird in the south office, his integrity and calm, often gratuitous justice for the poor.

但不包括属赏赠性质的花红及津贴、年终酬金及实物津贴。It does not cover bonuses and allowances of gratuitous nature, end of year payment and payments in kind.