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我被搞乱了吗?I am confused?

困惑,还有呢?Confused. What else?

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你把我给搞糊涂了。You made me confused.

是我们把他们弄糊涂了。We have confused them.

他困惑地走开了。He walked away confused.

他的母亲很困惑。His mother was confused.

我感到非常愦憾。I am very confused regret.

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你的话把他绕住了。What you said confused him.

没有课本-我很困惑。No textbooks—I was confused.

你感到饥饿和困惑。You are hungry and confused.

智者不惑。A wise man is never confused.

你要是关上那扇门,就听不到吵闹声了。He was confused by the noise.

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那天晚上我难以成眠。That night sleep confused me.

这些动词常被弄混。These verbs are often confused.

他说是伤心和困惑。“Sad, ” he says. “And confused.

对它是什么还有一点儿迷惑?A bit confused as to what it is?

一片嘈杂声把我弄得昏头昏脑。I was confused by all the noise.

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当我醒来,相思和困惑围绕在我心头。I woke up lovesick and confused.

这两个步骤不能搞混了。The two steps cannot be confused.

我很迷惑,摸了摸自己的眼睛。I was confused. I touched my eyes.