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他在高烧中不停地说胡话。He raved in his delirium.

今晚不单是高兴,简直有点要热昏了头。The evening was no longer joy, but delirium.

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我发烧的时候一度精神错乱。In my fever I had a long consistent delirium.

受刑者通常在几天后就开始胡言乱语.Delirium would typically set in after a few days.

我说,“他是在精神错乱的情况下犯罪的。He committed these crimes while in a state of delirium.

生命自创于狂乱,破灭于厌倦中。Life creates itself in delirium and is undone in ennui.

有些雾引起皮疹,疖子,有的精神错乱而死亡。Some mist caused rashes and boils, others delirium and death.

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这些伤害令他身患胸痛、高烧和精神错乱之疾。These injuries resulted in chest pains, a high fever, and delirium.

你睡的时候,说胡话大喊了好多次,她说。As you slept, you cried out a number of times in delirium , she said.

从精神分裂到谵妄症——各种精神病患者都在这里接受治疗。Treatment was given to diverse complaints from schizophrenia to delirium.

浅粉象啤酒是世界第一啤酒,是一种比利时淡啤酒。Delirium tremens is no. one beer in the world which is a belgian lager beer.

而且,严重的肾脏病在发病过程中产生谵妄症状时间要早。And advanced kidney disease produces delirium earlier in the course of illness.

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这是精神错乱的结果。其实呢,我还在格林伍德自己的小屋子里,快要死了。This is a delirium , and I am very near death in my little room in Glenwood Springs.

老年和器质性脑疾病的主要危险因素谵妄老人。Old age and organic brain disorder are major risk factors for delirium in the elderly.

哈根认为精神错乱是由睡眠而非疾病引发的梦。Hagen describes delirium as a dream-life which is inducted not by sleep but by disease.

使用乙醯胆碱酉每抑制剂来治疗瞻妄仍需更进一步的试验证明。Further trials using cholinesterase inhibitors for the treatment of delirium are needed.

过长的禁闭可能引发强迫行为或谵妄。extended solitary confinement is likely to induce either obsessive behavior or delirium.

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临床试验证实其在重症医学科谵妄预防和治疗中具有独特优势。Clinical trials have approved its advantages on prevention and control of delirium in ICU.

目的探讨奥氮平治疗脑外伤后急性谵妄综合征的疗效。Objective To study therapeutic efficacy of olanzapine for acute delirium after brain trauma.

由睡眠不足带来的某种安慰就是在神志不清的状态下冒出来的疯狂想法。Some solace to be had with lack of sleep is the crazy ideas you can come up with in delirium.