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聚酯增塑剂基本无毒。The polyester plasticizers are basically innocuity.

不仅实现了垃圾的减容化、无害化,还实现了熔融渣的资源化。The volume reduction and innocuity realized dring incineration, the slag can be used to do material of construction.

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钒酸铋颜料是一种色泽鲜艳、性能良好、不含铅、无毒的黄色颜料新品种。Bismuth vanadate pigment is a kind of novel yellow pigment with bright color, good performance and unleaded innocuity.

该材料还具有良好的生物相容性,无毒性和促进药物吸收等特点。It also has many advantages, such as fine biological compatibility, innocuity , contribution to the pharmaceutical absorption, etc.

其采用的二氧化硫吸收剂具有选择性吸收电厂烟气中的二氧化硫、能够循环使用、无毒无害等优良特性。The SO2 absorbant taken by this new technology has some characteristics such as absorbing SO2 selectively, recycling, and innocuity.

它使用由无毒材料制造的LED,对环境无污染,耗电少、使用寿命长,还使窗帘页能够做得更薄以节省材料。It ues LED, which is innocuity and free from contamination. LED lamp uses less power and long-life. It's minute extension make the product thinner.

蛇毒活性蛋白是从蛇毒中提取的既作用神经,又作用于细胞的无毒性活性蛋白。Snake venom activated albumen is a kind of innocuity activated albumen extracted from the snake venom. It can act on the nerves, and also the cells.

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柔性透明导电薄膜ZAO具有优异的光电性能且资源丰富、成本低、对环境无污染,成为当前的研究热点。Owing to its excellent optic-electronic properties, low cost and innocuity , flexible transparent conducting film ZAO has become a focus of research.

填料对皮肤无刺激、无毒,对人体无害。但是,施工操作最好戴橡皮手套。如有填料粘留在皮肤上,可用酒精、丙酮、汽油等溶剂,十分容易的清除干净。Stuffing is innocuity for God's image. pull on rubber glove please when using . if stuffing is left at skin, clean it with alcohol, acet . , benzene etc.

污泥热干化是能够实现减量化、无害化、稳定化的处理工艺,已是处理污泥的主流手段。The sludge thermal drying process is an efficient technology for achieving reduction, innocuity and stabilization, which has been an important way of sludge treatment.

氧化铁红具有良好的颜色遮盖力、着色力、耐热、耐溶剂、耐酸性、无毒、防锈等性能,是优质的颜料品种。Iron oxide red is an excellent pigment, which has fine qualities such as covering power, coloring power, heat resistance, resistance to solvent, acid fastness, innocuity and anti-rust.

益生素作为一种新的生物技术产品,具有无毒、无副作用,促进动物生长,提高饲料转化率,替代抗生素之优点,受到人们的广泛关注。As one kind of new biotechnological products, probiotics has obtained wide attention due to its innocuity. non side effect, promoting growth, increasing feed efficiency and other merits.

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微生物絮凝剂是一类由微生物产生的具有絮凝活性的天然高分子絮凝剂,因其无毒、可生物降解、无二次污染等独特的性质倍受人们的关注。Although bio-flocculants have obtained increasing attention for their security, innocuity and no secondary pollution to the environment, the high costs has restricted their industrial use.

保水剂是国家863计划的重要科技成果,该产品无毒无害,具有吸水性强、保水能力大、有效期长的特点。Agriculture SAP is the fruit of 863 of the country's important scientific and technological achievements, the product innocuity , with strong absorbent, water capacity, Features long period.

近几年,为了解决环境问题,可生物降解、无毒无害、无二次污染的微生物絮凝剂受到人们的广泛关注。In recent years, to solve some environmental issues, microbial flocculants have been involved widely due to their some advantages such as easy-biodegradation, innocuity and non-secondary pollution.