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它假定上帝的做法是可以证明的。It assumes that the ways of God are in fact justifiable.

第二部分,一般正当防卫的成立条件。Second part, general justifiable defense tenable condition.

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道尔坚持自己终结福尔摩斯的生命是有理有据的。Doyle insisted his finishing off Holmes was a "justifiable homicide".

装卸工听不懂你的话,情有可原。The stevedores are justifiable for they are unable to catch what you say.

看起来,当我在行进的时候,能感受到中年危机是情有可原的。It seems that while I am moving I feel it is a justifiable mid-life crisis.

如果他是正确的,那么把佛教归类为宗教看来是无可非议的。If Smart is correct, it seems justifiable to classify Buddhism as a religion.

那个26岁的活动策划,觉得因为钱而失去了爱情是正常的。For the 26-year-old events organizer, losing his love to money was justifiable.

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毕竟,对杀人者来说,杀害受害者是一个有无可非议的例外。After all, to the murderer, the killing of the victim is a justifiable exception.

最不应该、最要反对的是言之无物的文章。Articles devoid of substance are the least justifiable and the most objectionable.

然而,最近几个月里政府债券利差日益增大是理所应当的。Nevertheless, the widening in sovereign-bond spreads in recent months is justifiable.

不知不觉,我已经不再觉得吃某些动物但不吃其它的动物是合理或理性的了。Before I knew it, it no longer felt justifiable or rational to eat some but not others.

对于一本“初级教程”来讲,仅涉及到这个第一步也许是正确的。Perhaps it is justifiable for a "first course" to be concerned only with this first step.

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防卫过当制度是正当防卫制度的重要补充。The unjustifiable self-defense is an important supplement to the justifiable self-defense.

对批发商要亲切。有正当要求,就要坦诚地原原本本地说出来。Be genial to wholesalers. Speak out frankly of whatever justifiable requirements you may have.

如果说民族自豪感历来无可非议和情有可原If national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is when it springs,not from power or riches

被抽样单位无正当理由不得拒绝抽样。Article 18. The entity under sampling may not reject sample drawing if it has no justifiable reason.

印钞票在这种情况下也无可厚非,但是采用这种办法的回报在减少。Printing more money is justifiable in the circumstances, but still a tool offering diminishing returns.

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无正常理由连续旷职三日或一个月内旷职达六日者。To be absent for consecutive three days without justifiable grounds or be absent for six days in a month.

防卫过当的程度要件是区分正当防卫与防卫过当的关键所在。The degree element of Unjustifiable Self-defense is the key to distinguish it from Justifiable Self-defense.

在正当防卫理论大厦的构建过程中,正当防卫成立所需的主观条件问题显然是不容回避的。While we are constructing the theory mansion of justifiable defense, the subjective condition can't be avoided.