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斯里兰卡是一个千变万化和精彩万分的人间天堂。Sri Lanka is a protean and wonderful paradise.

多系统受累的临床表现是千变万化的。The clinical manifestations are protean with multisystem involvement.

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因为污染的长期持久的影响,天气变化无常。The weather becomes protean due to the pollution's influence of long duration.

他的头脑,他的头脑是一个圆形剧场,场上的演员一人扮演好几个角色。There is his mind. It is an amphitheater in which the actor gives a protean performance.

然而他们都是阿富汗战争独特而多变的本质的生动写照。But all of them vividly illustrate the uniquely protean nature of warfare in Afghanistan.

合肥百度优化的千变万化无外乎就是内容和外链,出问题的地方也无外乎这两个方面。SEO's protean content and the chain is not a problem, the place also capable these two aspects.

当物质与时空这麽变化多端,广义相对论的方程式能预测出什麽?When matter and spacetime are so protean , what do the equations of general relativity predict?

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科学家发现一种蛋白可以在流感病毒变异前使其失去活性。The scientists identified a protean protein that inactivates the flu virus before it can mutate.

“千变万化”是形式,“存乎一心”是内心可被计量的痛苦、快乐、哀愁,等等。" Protean " it is a form, "Put of one mind " it is a heart but by metric anguish, happy, sad, etc.

在严密的询问下,证人反复无常的策略给人的印象是他不可靠。The witness' protean tactics under cross-examination gave the impression that he was untrustworthy.

国际格局变化不定,是危及世界和平的一个重要因素。Protean configuration of international power is an important factor which endangers the world peace.

色的变化用千变万化来形容也只能表述其万一,它是没有穷尽的。Lubricious change is used Protean will describe also can state its only in case, it does not have end.

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血管炎是一组发病机制各异,临床表现多样的疾病的总称。Vasculitis includes a group of diseases that have different pathogenesis and protean clinical manifestations.

在今天不存在文化英雄的艺术世界里,你甚至无法想像这样一位千变万化的怪物产生。In today's art world, a place without living culture heroes, you can't even imagine such a protean monster arising.

不同的颜色可以刺激儿童的视觉神经,而千变万化的图案则可满足儿童对世界的好奇心。Different color can stimulate the visual nerve of children, and Protean design can satisfy children the curiosity to the world.

嗜铬细胞瘤个案之正确处置有赖于临床医师是否对此疾病之典型及非典型症状有充分的理解。The key to appropriate management of pheochromocytoma is clinical awareness of its protean manifestations, both typical and atypical.

美女明星们演绎千变万化的顶上风情,怎么可能少了这些漂亮的发饰呢?The belle stars people deduce the amorous feelings on Protean top, how is the likelihood little are these beautiful hair acted the role of?

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如何在瞬息万变的全球化市场环境下取得竞争优势,快速反应是生存的必要条件。How to acquire the competitive advantage in this protean global market place? Timely reaction is of course a necessary condition for survival.

在南森那些令人目不暇给的成就里,反而是“弗拉姆”在1893年到1896年之间的悲惨旅程让他的人生富有戏剧性。For all of Nansen's protean accomplishments, it was the harrowing journey of the Fram between 1893 and 1896 that gave his life story real drama.

设计是厨房里的一根线,串起主人、厨房和千变万化的装饰装修。让您“厨房变厅堂”的愿望成为现实。The design is a line in the kitchen, string host, kitchen and Protean adornment are decorated. Let you " the kitchen changes hall hall " the desire becomes reality.